
发布时间:2024-01-09 16:16:51 阅读:18 点赞:0

关于”经济和我“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Economy and me。以下是关于经济和我专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Economy and me

People talk about the "new economy" and the "old economy". They see people getting information fm newspapers, radio, television, reference books and libraes at work or in stores. In the new economy, people do business thugh the "Internet".

In the new economy, millions of comrs nd the world are connected, and workers often work at home They can get information on the Internet. They can communicate with employers and colleagues thugh e-mail. Online stores have "virtual stores".

Customers can see the pducts that enterpses can sell to customers anywhere in the world. In the new economic era, people's life rhythm is very fast, and the colorful life world is dloping faster than before. But the new economy is a double-edged sword, and its disadvantages are also very stng Obviously, the Internet has led to a large increase in credit card frd.

Some illegal websites pvide cheap or phibited goods or s. Online shoppers may nr receive the goods they want to buy by inputting their credit card information. Their credit card information can n be sold on illegal websites.

Therefore, people in the new economic era should be intelligent and knowledgeable.




Yo law school ranks first among all law schools in the United States and ranks fifth in the field of intellectual pperty ghts. I am interested in the diversified and well orized coses offered by the Law School of yo university, such as company law and intellectual pperty law. The crent research in China lags far behind the international advanced ll.

In addition, I would like to thank you very much for the internship opportunities offered by yo university in the form of internship and internship. These fascinating charactesti make me determined to seek quality education in yo university, bee I beli that in such a favorable academic envinment, based on my industry and talents, I will certainly make some important achiments in my fute degree coses. I can also imagine that after completing my degree coses, I will have a succesul career in China, and my field of interest will be forei trade I will be able to apply the knowledge I learned fm the United States to China's practical pblems thugh consulting Chinese enterpses, especially studying the legal issues of China in international trade.

The above statement represents the psuit of a young Chinese woman willing to sacfice her comfort and mediocty. Living in her motherland is conducive to challenges and new goals. I would appreciate it if you would consider my application.





First of all, I want to talk about my study. In my opinion, learning is the first poty of University. When I received the letter of acceptance in summer, I knew clearly what I should do.

I made up my mind to study hard and study as much as possible. Therefore, I think knowledge can change my life. I often go to the quiet study where there are many people to study.

So I study hard and get good exam results.



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