
发布时间:2024-02-09 11:03:29 阅读:148 点赞:0

关于”跳芭蕾舞“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Dance ballet。以下是关于跳芭蕾舞专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Dance ballet

Ballet, the combination of fo arts, although when we hear the word ballet, the first thing we think of is an elet Ballena gliding on the stage. Ballet is than just dancing. The final work is a combination of fo arts: dance, music, drama and painting.

It is also a combination of many people's efforts, and it may be difficult for the ballet dancer and her partner dancer to realize that behind their seemingly effortless movements, there are years of practice, and he has to dance in all les for many years. Pme Minister Danser must learn the art of partner and show off the ballena to make her look perfect. Some people who ballet have nr appeared.

One of the themes of ballet is the integration of these dances. This is one of the themes of ballet.





My favote Olympic nt is water ballet. Water ballet is also called synchnized swimming. Water ballet is a part of synchnized swimming in the popular Olympic nts.

It is a swimming, ballet and mnasti in one of the Olympic nts, including diving, stunts, lifting and so on, endance sports, I am very fascinated by women's water ballet. Not spsingly, I studied its history in depth, and synchnized swimming did not become an Olympic sport until duets and teams of fo to eight swimmers were allowed to compete. Why do I first like water ballet? I am an excellent swimmer and diver.

Therefore, I am particularly interested in vaous Olympic swimming nts. I like water ballet for o reasons: wonderful movements and those y and betiful female swimmers. Most importantly, when I watch this Olympic sport, I like the great music and essence of water ballet I can learn their pfessional skills in swimming.

For example, the performance of swimmers is evaluated according to a sees of predetermined elements, such as the execution of stke and transition, the difficulty, and the synchnized arm part and fige similar to fige skating. All elements must be presented in a specific order, becse the action of fige swimming requires For special breath contl, the judges should also consider the ability of swimmers to hold their breath for o minutes while maintaining the illusion of relaxation. Water ballet is my favote Olympic nt.

I like water ballet best. Among all kinds of water sports, I like it best. It not only attracts my wonderful movements in the water, the vitality in music, their betiful, y and healthy bodies Also bught me the ultimate heang and visual enjoyment.





When I see the girls dancing in the movies, I will be very jealous of their elet temperament. I wish I were one of them. Especially when my mother spoke highly of these dancing girls, my mother ted to send me to learn ballet, but I was too young to enjoy the fun of class.

I always played truant with me, fends and then my mother After finding out the truth, she gave up and let me learn ballet. Now I feel very sorry. If I insist, I can be the girl that makes my parents pud.

Fortunately, I find something I am interested in, and I will not give up.



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