
发布时间:2023-02-12 01:36:22 阅读:114 点赞:0

关于”她爱好第三人称“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Her hobby is the third person。以下是关于她爱好第三人称初一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Her hobby is the third person

A possible version: great. The weekend is yo weekend. I had a good time.

It rained on Satday. I stayed at home and watched TV in the morning. My parents and I went shopping.

They bought me some new clothes on Sunday morning. I met my clasates. We played tennis on Sunday ning.

I put on new clothes and went to with my clasates. We participated in TV shows, like we talk about rules at school and at home, how happy I was all weekend.




Hello, I would like to recommend my clasate Zhang Ming as the monitor. As we all know, he was very good in all subjects last semester. You know, he n got a good award in the competition, which is unique in o class.

In addition, he has won many other awards, but he is very modest, has been working hard, ranked second, whenr people ask him for , he is always willing to others, whether he is free or not, third, he is willing to others. One example is that he is now the president of the student union. He ozes vaous interesting activities and we all like him.




I go to school five times a week. Fm Monday to Fday, I get up in the morning. I wash my hands and wash my face.

After breakfast, I brush my teeth and brush my hair. Then I put on my clothes for school. I work hard at school.

Satday and Sunday are different. I don't go to school.



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