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关于”译林五下指路“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Yilin five points the way。以下是关于译林五下指路xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Yilin five points the way

U1 reading secrets and liesdar Annie, I feel betrayed by my fends, Hannah, we have been best fends since pmary school, almost ry day together. Sometimes, other children say that we are not fun at all, becse we are very academic and like to learn, but we like this way, we all work hard, and we all got good grades in school on Monday. O math exam was unexpected.

I think it's easy and I don't worry about the results. After the exam, I will be very pud of myself and say aloud how easy it is, and I will get good grades after class the next day. My math teacher told me that my score is the lowest in the class.

I think if I can't pass a math exam, ashamedi must be stupid. I don't think I'm neglecting my study, but maybe I can work harder in math class. After that, I went to the playgund and I was determined to be happy, but Hannah felt something was wng.

Before lunch, we went to the girls' bathom to wash o hands. I admitted what a terble thing I had done. Donny assed her that she would keep my secret.

Howr, the next day, when I walked into math class and I went to sit down, I noticed that my clasates were stang at me. I found a piece of paper on my desk that said, "stupid Sarah got D". I'm not happy, I think I think Hannah must have deliberately told ryone about my mark, becse they won't lgh at me behind my back.

I was very angry. I went straight to Hannah and told her that we were no longer fends becse she couldn't speak. She was really angry and swore that she didn't tell anyone, but I knew only teachers and students could see the traces.

She said that someone must have heard us in the toilet, but I don't beli her. I think I can nr forgive her. Now I have lost my best fend Fend, ryone makes fun of me.

What should I get fm Sarah.


U1阅读秘密和Liesdar Annie,我觉得被我朋友背叛了,Hannah我们从小学开始就是最好朋友,几乎每天都在一起。有时,其他孩子说我们一点都不好玩,因为我们都很有学术,也喜欢学习,但我们喜欢这样方式我们都很用,而且我们星期一在学校都取得了很好成绩,我们数学考试出人意料,我认为这很容易,也不担心成绩。考试结束后,我一定会为自己感到非常自豪,大声说这是多么容易,而且第二天课后我一定会取得好成绩,我数学老师告诉我,我成绩是全班最低。




1 B a a 2 b b b b b d c a B 3 14 a Chinese Dictionary Postcard magazine comic book newspaper B C a B 5 Where do you buy what do you plan to go to 6 B a B a B a reading comic book Bookstore.


1 B A A A2 B B B B B D C A B3 14汉语词典明信片杂志连环画报纸B C A B5你在哪里买什么你打算什么时候去6 B B A B B A读书漫画书书店oclock他喜欢看书他要去书店买书他要在早上八点买书和约翰呆在一起。


When I feel bored, I can read a few fables to understand what will happen if I don't work hard. I can travel with the thor of detective stoes to find the magic palace. Reading is my love.

I beli that people without books will be like fish without water.



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