
发布时间:2024-03-24 16:34:57 阅读:32 点赞:0

关于”最特别记忆“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The most special memory。以下是关于最特别记忆考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The most special memory

Today is a special day for me. I graduated fm middle school yesterday. I took the entrance examination for senior high school.

I think I did well in the exam. I beli that this morning I can be admitted to the best high school in o city. O school will hold a grand graduation ceremony, all graduates and teachers will attend.

O head will address the ceremony, wish us a bght fute, and hope that we can often go back to school after graduation ceremony, we will go back to the classom to spend the last time together I hope we can keep o relationship forr.




I am a coward. For me, learning to de a bicycle is very difficult and challenging. But in order to let myself go to school ry day and no longer distb my parents, I have to learn it.

I just de a bike. I am very nervous. The man is staggeng and unstable.

So I don't know how many times the person I have always wanted to be ght comes again, and I constantly challenge my own limit“ Hard working ", I finally learned this thing, let me remember vividly, this is my most challenging thing.




There is a library in o city. It is the largest building in o city. There are story books, picte books.

You can also borw some books about music and sports. I like reading stoes, so I often borw story books fm the library. Each time we can borw them for o weeks.

When you enter the reading om, there is a big reading om in the library. You can find these words on the wall: "knowledge is power" and "keep silent". We can read magazines and newspapers in the reading om, but we can't take them out.



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