
发布时间:2024-02-17 07:38:18 阅读:164 点赞:0

关于”噪音危害“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Noise hazard。以下是关于噪音危害四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Noise hazard

We know that in China, the sound of the city is very loud, which cses great damage to people's heang. One person in 20 people has heang loss. With the dlopment of machines, the noise increases with the increase of population.

The situation aund the world is getting worse and worse. The noise is also greatly increased. We live in noisy aies, trucks and power tools.

Television and radio add up To or j decibels, a unit used to mease the loudness of sound, a normal conversation can reach the decibel of a plane going to, while the sound of an ordinary train arving at a station can be ice the maximum volume of disco music on an aie. At decibels, the ears can't hear the sound. If things go on like this, how terble the pain begins to become.




I was prepang for my exam last night when I was interrupted by the noise of my neighbor. The noise went on and it was so loud that I could hardly concentrate on my study any . So I went to my neighbor's house and said, "excuse me, will you?" "Please tn down the TV.

I'm prepang for tomorw's exam." Heang these words, he blushed. He said, "OK, I'll tn it down, Li Hua. I'm sorry for the noise.

Football is so good now. I'm so excited. I don't want to do it again.

Good luck in yo next exam." I started to learn.





We know that in China, the sound of the city is very loud, which cses great damage to people's heang. One person in 20 people has heang loss. With the dlopment of machines, the noise increases with the increase of population.

The situation aund the world is getting worse and worse. The noise is also greatly increased. We live in noisy aies, trucks and power tools.

Television and radio add up To or j decibels, a unit used to mease the loudness of sound, a normal conversation can reach the decibel of the plane to go, while the sound of an ordinary train arving at the station can be ice as loud as the maximum volume of disco music on the plane. At decibels, the ears can't hear the sound. If things go on like this, how terble the pain begins to become.



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