
发布时间:2022-11-14 02:46:32 阅读:363 点赞:0

关于”介绍场“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Intduce the playgund。以下是关于介绍场小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce the playgund

After class, most of the students go to the playgund to take part in all kinds of sports. There are many students playing basketball. One is jumping.

The other is thwing the ball into the net fm a distance. There are sral girls skipping pe. How fast are their movements? They are not far away fm them like sparws.

How interesting school life it is for a few boys to play table tennis. They know clearly that having a stng and healthy body is good for their study and fute Success is very important.




We have a betiful campus. There are and grass and trees on the playgund. It is like a betiful garden.

The students like a playgund. Then they leave for the campus to see their fends' playgund. On the playgund, the walls where students exercise are covered with an ivy vine.

The Ivy wind will play next to the Ivy just like a girl in the wind, and the students will share Enjoy the water. After school ry afternoon, we must fill the bucket for the students. In this way, we can wipe or wipe the water on the windows with the veil.

The trees next to the trees are und in shape, like the trees beside a big bun. The students like the peach blossom in full bloom. When the fragrance spreads, the color of the peach is as red as before Fire, but better than fire, it looks like a red sky, very betiful, the peach under it is a soft and thick green grass, grass soft and flexible, n stnger than the city stadium cushion, this is simply a natal playgund, this is one of o playgund, a betiful playgund.




O school playgund is very betiful. If you look at it, you won't think there is a betiful playgund. O school playgund has a 400 meter long track, which is too big.

If you lie on the grass on the playgund, the grass on the playgund will be soft, and you will feel like you are daydreaming. Hst by the track is a good place to read. This is o playgund.

I think it's very good. What do you think.




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