
发布时间:2023-04-26 11:32:43 阅读:66 点赞:0

关于”你家长给你买了一台“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Yo parents bought you one。以下是关于你家长给你买了一台小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Yo parents bought you one

I bought a washing machine fm you last week. The washing machine has worked very well in the past few days, but it has been a lot of noise since yesterday. Can you arrange for someone to check the machine, solve the noise pblem, or do you have any other way? I hope this pblem can be solved well within a few days after I send it out.

This email will be sent to you, otherwise I will retn the washing machine.




Yesterday was a good day. It was my birthday. I had a wonderful time.

I received an iPad bought by my father. I was very happy becse the iPad is a gift I really want to have. When I received it, I couldn't feeling excited.

I realized that its color is silver, and it also contains different sofare, such as learning related sofare and puzzle s. I also found that it runs oothly and I can easily use it. High definition display is my favote.

I have to thank my father for giving me this gift, which will nr be forgotten.




Dear sir, I'm glad that the washing machine we ordered o days ago arved on time. Unfortunately, when the washing machine was delivered, we found that there was something wng with the washing machine. We will use it immediately, but the washing machine can't work tomatically.

Dehydration is not only that. Its work is very wored with nosy and sporami. We want to replace another washing machine as soon as possible, please Change the washing machine and let me know yo solution to this matter, Lihua.



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