
发布时间:2024-01-04 02:44:31 阅读:18 点赞:0

关于”媒体措施“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目: meases。以下是关于媒体措施专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1: meases

Long term earthquake prediction and short-term earthquake prediction can realize long-term earthquake prediction, mainly based on seiologists' research on flts and geological structes (medium and long-term earthquake prediction in the fige is better than climate prediction (long-term weather forecast). Since the earthquake occs in a place with large geological structe, there will be no earthquake in Ordos platform, such as the stability of geological units and artificial flts Other geological studies have dreds of years of history and knowledge. It is difficult to judge the long-term earthquake prediction based on the prediction of climate, next year's wet weather, and the place of flood.




How to ptect o eyesight? Look at the pictes, you will find a worrying phenomenon: most students wear glasses becse of unhealthy way of using eyes and high learning presse. Students are easy to be short-sighted. Howr, what can we do to ptect o eyes, so that o eyes will not be short-sighted when reading, make se you are in a bght place, if yo eyes ache, let yo eyes rest ry ho, do eye exercises can reli yo eyes fatigue, sleep is good for yo eyes, I beli you can ptect yo eyes, if you dnk wine, I hope you can Everyone has a clear world how to ptect o eyesight.

As we can see in the pictes, most students now wear glasses becse they are short-sighted. With the of glasses, they can clearly see the blackboard. We must pay attention to the fact that we should reduce the reading time.

When we read, we must read in a bght place to ptect it O eyes. In addition, eye training is another way. In order to keep o eyes healthy after school, we'd better sleep , so that the eyes can get sleep.

As the saying goes, the eye is the window of o soul. If you can follow the above method, you will have a good vision.





On rainy days, try not to make phone calls or answer landlines, do not de motorcycles or bicycles in the wilderness, run or walk in the wild, do not use umbrellas or carry metal handles, do not hit ck walls, do not stay near trees, billboards, chimneys and rainwater poles on the of of buildings, and try to stay away fm trees.



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