
发布时间:2024-01-06 12:50:52 阅读:21 点赞:0

关于”写一篇我英雄“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Wte an article about my 。以下是关于写一篇我英雄六级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte an article about my

QQ [] ā····················································································································································· When the child listened to the western pop music she often played, it seemed that he was really dancing. When he was fo years old, his mother sent him to a piano school. He had dloped a real-time playing ability.

I learned to play the piano fm the age of to. I often get bored when I practice playing the piano, but Jay is always fascinated by it. I think he really likes music, so I ade him very much.

I call him . I ade Jay Chou very much. The real reason is that when others refuse him, he nr gives up and tes to change his life.

I think this is good for ryone. I hope ryone can learn fm him and try his best. Then I think we will succeed.





What is a in the past millennium whirlwind on the earth, with the histocal precipitation of the 's implication, the coage is a stng foundation for doing great things. A prerequisite for success is that coage is coage, and coage is a bold and unrestrained force without dou. If coage is the ratio of death.

The persrance and determination to srender is a gloous young in the revolutionary war. "Giving birth to a great life and a gloous sacfice" is the most accate and true judent given to her by the world. The brave may not be the , but the must be brave and intelligent.

It is the mainstay that can lead the histocal trend of wisdom only for the . It is also for feiji to break thugh the obstacles and become ancient The best must be the embodiment of great wisdom, the comprehensive embodiment of spitual stren and wisdom. Zhuge Liang's wisdom is the perfect embodiment.

He is a 's leader in the field of wisdom: to correctly understand astnomy and geography, the way to solve temperament is to fight and delicate cranes, and Shengshi's wisdom is the essence of combat God is a . All great abstract wealth es are also brave es and wise men. A who wants to bravely show brave justice is the most noble core of human nate, the essence of Coniani, and the differentiation of human nate thought in Chinese culte.

"Benevolence", which is different fm intellectuality and bravery, is the highest ll of essence. Sima Qian's benevolence and ghteousness are unyielding to histocal affairs The eternal integration of industry is for the sense of national responsibility, the coage to collect wisdom for the loyalty of history and the world, and the tenacious data. In the whirlpool of the past few thousand years, all the es of this firm and stng earth have bken thugh the shackles of darkness and evil with coage and forge ahead bravely, bning the most noble wisdom reed of into ashes, blue sky, and sacfice.



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