
发布时间:2023-11-22 13:03:58 阅读:36 点赞:0



As a toist, Zhoushan is a coastal city. The destination of o class's graduation to is Zhoushan. We are going to Zhujiajian and Taohua island.

We follow the "toi knowledge" to. At 6:00 a.m. on the first day, we gathered 15 points and started slightly.

After about fo hos' joney, we arved at the destination of Zhoushan Zhujiajian, We are very happy to welcome o to guide: we went to history, we sat on the guide belt of Wushi Town, named "Qinei" boat, and took us to the water park of Wushi town. We played in the water park for than 10 o'clock. That was the place to take us to lunch, and we knew another train King Road.

After a while, we had lunch together. We went to the hotel The hotel we stayed in was called Boya Hotel. The om card o parents bught took us back to the rest om.




Hello ryone, I have something important to tell you next Monday. Mr. Chen will have a public lecte in the lecte hall tomorw morning.

All the English teachers in o school will attend it. Now what we have to do is: clean the lecte om and keep it clean. Please get ready before class.

Please come to the lecte hall first. Don't be late. Listen carefully before class.

Then ask questions or answer questions Thank you for yo attention.




Clothing plays an important le in o daily life. It ptects us fm stng wind in cold winter and ptects us fm heat in hot summer. They can n make men handsome, make women attractive, and distinguish people in different fields.

For example, we can simply see fm a soldier and a policeman that the clothes they wear can reflect many things about a person. They can represent a person's social status, his likes and dislikes, his hopes, dreams and so on. For example, he can be a quiet person A person who goes out to wear dark clothes, on the other hand, may prefer to wear bght colored clothes.

The elderly tend to wear traditional clothes, while the young people tend to choose fashionable clothes when young boys wear "soldier" uniforms. He may want to show that he hopes to become a PLA soldier when he gws up, and the clothing will continue to dlop to meet o personal taste They will become comfortable, colorful, fashionable and diversified people will find clothes they like in the to reflect their personality.



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