
发布时间:2023-06-24 14:17:06 阅读:857 点赞:0

关于”新年聚会“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:New Year 。以下是关于新年聚会中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:New Year

On New Year's Eve, o class held a party. The atmosphere was very good and it was very unusual fm the beginning. A boy named Li Xinmin made an unusual performance.

We saw a boy named Li Xinmin tn off all the lights. Then there were three loud cockcws in the cordor, and the lights were bght again in the hall. Then, Zhu Guozhang, the representative of the dormitory, asked us to guess the above In a poem about the situation, he added that only Li Xinmin was born in the year of the dog and the other three were born in the year of the oster.

They puzzled us all. It was o monitor's quick response that called out o "oster cws three times at dawn." there was another thing in the hall. This time Li Xinmin was standing there, placed in the middle of the circle, and the other three were standing nd him Bow to him at an angle.

This time I was ght, "dogs stand out fm a flock of chickens.".




There was a party in o class. Many students showed their talent, some sang, some danced, some just as dience. More importantly, we invited o head to the party.

He was very happy with the whole party at the end of the party. O head sang a song for us. To be honest, all the people who attended the party were very succesul and the party was very happy.




Inform us that o school has decided to hold a new year's party in the school mnasium on the ning of December 12. The starting time of the party is: there will be singing, dancing, short drama, csstalk, opera and other pgrams in the middle of the party. After the party, we will begin to count down to welcome the new year.

Welcome to the party.



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