
发布时间:2023-05-30 17:07:55 阅读:54 点赞:0

关于”陈述环境问题“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:State envinmental issues。以下是关于陈述环境问题托福英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:State envinmental issues

Envinmental pblems nd the world are becoming and seous. For example, cars make the air unhealthy, people can't breathe, factoes emit toxic gases, trees on mountains are cut down, and waste water is poung into vers. In addition, no matter where we go today, we can inadvertently find garbage.

In fact, the treated pollution threatens o svival. The earth is o home. We have the responsibility to take care of it for oselves and o fute generations.

More and people are aware of these pblems. The government has taken meases to solve these pblems. The government has passed laws to prnt it Pollution I hope this pblem will be solved in the near fute, o home will become better, envinmental pblems will become and seous all over the world, the dlopment of industry and agculte, the noise made by cars, the emission of toxic gases, the trees on the mountains are cut down, the waste water is continuously discharged into the ver, and no matter where we go today, we can find that the garbage is disposed at will The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing.

The large-scale destruction of the envinment has bught negative effects, and n poses a great threat to the svival of human beings. We must face the reality, take action to solve o envinmental pblems, stctly contl industal pollution thugh new laws, and the public must receive education on pollution hazards. We hope that all these meases will be effective in restong the envinment to health and ptecting the envinment.




We know that the campus is a place where teachers and students work and study. A good campus envinment can bng us a fresh and betiful feeling. Although o campus is not large, it has a good green color.

Trees, birds and flowers ell outside the classom, and famous sayings are pasted on the sidewalk. We are trying to a healthy, harmonious and passionate envinment for the students A good envinment is infected and influenced by the envinment as well as his personality. He should establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, so that ryone can gw up healthily in a betiful and clean envinment and become a civilized citizen in a warm envinment.




To ptect o envinment, it is important to use garbage in the city. O world is colorful, betiful and full of vitality. Howr, over the years, people have built many factoes along the ver, many trees have been cut down, many animals have lost their homes.

Factoes cse pollution. Rivers have been polluted in their school days. You should do rything in yo daily life.

First of all, you should ptect Ptect them. Second, don't waste water. Thw the garbage into different dustbins.

For example, waste paper should be thwn into recyclable garbage cans. Third, stop cutting trees. Foth, when we are the last free time, we pick up garbage in the park or on the ad.

We call on and people to pay attention to pollution contl. In short, ryone has the responsibility to ptect the world.



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