关于网络购物的英语作文_Online shopping 4篇

发布时间:2022-04-29 11:40:05 阅读:213 点赞:0

关于”网络购物“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Online shopping。以下是关于网络购物xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Online shopping

Online shopping today, we can find a person who has not expeenced online shopping. It is absolutely not online shopping. Due to the rapid dlopment of Internet technolo, it is gradually becoming popular in most cities.

Fm the consumer's point of view, due to vaous reasons, online shopping is welcomed by most people. For those who have little spare time, clicking the mouse can save some time. They can buy whatr they want for retailers at home.

It can save some costs for those who have little working capital. They don't have to rent a house or work in the staff Compared with the traditional trade mode, online shopping still has some defects. First, face-to-face transaction reduces the reliability and credibility of online shopping.

Undeniably, online shopping has become an irresistible trend in modern society. We gently need to formulate corresponding laws according to the rapid dlopment of online shopping. Only in this way can we enjoy the Internet Go shopping for fun and convenience, not worry about being treated.




…… With the dlopment of the Internet and the populaty of comrs, online shopping has become a common phenomenon in o life. Consumers can buy almost anything they need in online shopping. Perhaps the most important thing is its convenience.

People don't have to waste a lot of ener and precious time to choose their favote goods fm one store to another This is especially necessary for the elderly, patients and busy people who can't go to the store in person. All they have to do is sit in fnt of the comr and click the mouse, and the goods they order will be delivered to them quickly. Howr, online shopping also has its disadvantages.

The first drawback is that consumers sometimes can't see the goods or try them on themselves. The real goods may not be the same as they see on the comr. The second disadvantage is that some online stores are not registered.

They will nr deliver the goods to you after they get money fm you. Once cheated, you will find that you have no place to complain.




With the of the Internet, shopping is not a difficult thing. As long as you click the mouse to select the article you like, the shopping is finished. You don't have to go out of the om.

It seems and fast. But there is always a trap on the Internet. If you are not careful, it will bng you some tuble.

You may find that the color of the article is different fm that of you, or the size is too all or too large. If you want to be different fm others Similarly, you'd better not buy clothes online. Once you put on the clothes you bought online and go out, you will find many people weang the same clothes on the street, so you must be careful, becse rything has o sides.



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