
发布时间:2024-02-09 04:35:54 阅读:47 点赞:0

关于”空气污染“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:air pollution。以下是关于空气污染xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:air pollution

How to stop air pollution has become a common concern of governments and people fm all walks of life. Air pollution has csed a sees of envinmental pblems, such as greenhouse effect, ozone layer destruction, acid rain and so on, which pose a threat to the living envinment of human beings. Therefore, effective meases should be taken to prnt air pollution.

The government must ense the implementation of relevant laws, and those who discharge waste gas into the air without treatment will be punished; secondly, people should receive education Tell them what they can do to stop air pollution. Everyone uses public transport and dves less pvate cars. Eventually, emissions will be greatly reduced and forests can play a positive le.

We need to plant trees to clean the air, instead of cutting down trees as the famous saying goes. It's easier to say that only the whole world works together, ryone acts, people In order to prnt air pollution.




As the cartoon shows, the pollution nd the world is getting and seous. Two cars are discharging exhst gas. Three people cover their faces with their hands to try to avoid inhaling toxic gases.

The poisonous gases emitted by factoes, household appliances and tomobiles make the air unhealthy. It is undeniable that cars are the si of civilization pgress and dlopment, but they have csed seous air pollution pblems. Scientists warn that if effective meases are not taken, the pollution pblem will ntually get out of contl.

In fact, there is a real concern about the pblem, and the public is increasingly demanding resolute action to deal with car pollution.




Generally speaking, there are o kinds of travel modes, pvate cars and public transport. Chinese people should take public transport as their first mode of travel ԡ first of all, there are too many people living in this country. If ry Chinese person has a car, there will be traffic jams and traffic accidents, and it will also increase yo impatience ԡԡԡ ԡԡԡԡ ԡ ԡ What's , once the car.


一般来说,有两种旅行方式,私家车和公共交通人应该把公共交通作为他们第一种出行方式 首先,生活在这个国家人太多了,如果每个人都有一辆车,就会有更多交通堵塞和交通事故,而且还会增加你急躁 而且,汽车一旦。

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