
发布时间:2023-05-05 04:43:31 阅读:153 点赞:0

关于”重要人“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Important people。以下是关于重要人专升英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Important people

My mother is the most important person to me. Maybe she is ordinary in other people's eyes, but she is special to me. She gave me life and happy life.

She participated in ry stage of my life when I knew nothing about it. She ed me learn to stand up, walk and form correct values. She cared about me Put rything in fnt of her.

She's a very important person in my life.




I firmly beli that ryone has his or her most important person in his life. Undouedly, for me, that is my mother. She gave me life and tght me how to be a man.

Since I came into this world, my mother has been expressing her love for me. When I was a baby, she patiently fed me milk and washed diapers. When I grew up, she took the ferry and I went to and fm school ry day to me check my homework.

When I failed in the text, she always encoaged me instead of punishing me. Of cose, sometimes, I might be becse of my mother I always regret what I said. Every time I say I'm sorry to her.

My mother is getting older and older. I should take good care of her. Howr, I have always been a child, nr grew up in her heart.

Therefore, I will always be her dearest child, I love my mother.





In order to keep yo chest straight, a young man went to France for Norway a few years ago. He wanted to apply for the famous Pas Conservatory of music. Although he is trying to give full play to his ll, the examiners still don't want his penniless young man to go to university outside a busy street not far away.

He tightened his belt and played a song under the hand under the banyan tree, which attracted many people to stop and listen. He ted ry possible way to win the gry young man's own Qinhe River, and people nd him tned to him Qin he took out the money and threw it contemptuously at the foot of the young man. The money finally bent down to pick up the hooli on the gund, handed it to him and said, "Sir, yo money has been lost on the gund." the hooli took the money, isted the young man's foot, and said artly again, "this money is yos, you have to accept it." the young man looked at the rascal and bowed deeply to him again "Sir, thank you for yo support.

You just lost yo money. I bent down to pick it up for you. Now my money is on the floor, and you can me pick up tuble." the hooli was shaken by an unexpected move, and finally picked up the money into the young man's Qin ver.

Then he cast a pair of eyes to the Google people, and kept looking at the young man silently The one who just passed the examination chased the young people back to university, and finally recruited him, a young man named bilsardin. Later, he became a famous musician in Norway. His piece is "chest up".

When we fall into the lowest ebb of o life, they often lead to some gundless contempt. When we are struggling to svive, you often encounter deliberate trampling It is o instinct for people with human diity to fight tit for tat, but it often makes those virtues less and knowledge less, and n oppressive. We have better reasons to deal with it.

We show and maintain o diity at that time with a tolerant attitude. You will find that any evil justice can not stand firmly in fnt of bending waist and pick up yo diity.



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