
发布时间:2023-04-11 12:48:04 阅读:82 点赞:0

关于”李嘉诚“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Li Jiacheng。以下是关于李嘉诚初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Li Jiacheng

Li Kaixing, Han nationality, is a native of Chaoan County, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Pvince. His ancestral home is Putian City. Senior consultant of Fujian Changjiang Heji Industal Co., Ltd.

and Changjiang Industal Gup Co., Ltd., he has become the chest person in Hong Kong for many years in a w. Since June, the chest Chinese have studied in Xiangg. Li Jiacheng and his family have lived in the uncle's house of Zhuang Jing'an in Hutchison To become the first Chinese to buy an old Btish company.




Li Kaixing, Han nationality, is now the chairman and general of Changjiang Industal Gup Co., Ltd., born in Chaozhou, Guangdong Pvince. In order to avoid the oppression of Japanese aggressors, the residents took shelter fm the rain in Hong Kong and be to invest in the real estate . Li Jiacheng became the first Btish son to buy the peddler.

China won the honor of being elected "Hong Kong native" ”, appointed justices of the peace, accompanied by the queen, and CBE desiated as the port. He has made great achiments in his career. He has served as the DC Preparatory Commi for many years, and has been named the he of Hong Kong of the year and the chest man in Asia..




Snty years ago, Li was born into an educated family in Chaozhou, Guangdong Pvince. He respected him in education since he was a child. He hoped to acquire knowledge when he was older.

His father, Li Yunjing, decided to move his family to Hong Kong, n though it could avoid wars in the mainland. The old Mr. Li was not in good health, so it was difficult to settle down in a new place, so he passed away.

This means that when Mr. Li Kaixing only had to bear the responsibility of supporting his mother, younger bther and sister, he first worked in a company that made watches, then became a salean of plastic pducts becse of his hard work, and soon became a . Later, the general used his own Saving up, he set up a plastic factory called Cheung Hong Kong started his outstanding career in Hong Kong Island.

In the business world, he accately foresees the gwth of demand. He founded Changjiang Industal Co., Ltd. in the following year, he specialized in plastic flowers and toys.

He first set foot in the real estate industry. Today, as a succesul businesan, he has a great reputation in Hong Kong. Mr.

Li contls the listing of fo companies The company, Cheung Hong Kong (Holdings) Co., Ltd., Hutchison Whampoa Co., Ltd., Yangtze River infrastructe Holding Co., Ltd. and Hong Kong Electc Light Gup Co., Ltd., headquartered in Hong Kong, have a total value of about HK $1 billion. The gup has major investments and businesses in major countes nd the world, including the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

The businesses in Germany and France include real estate dlopment and investment holding, real estate Pperty mament and real estate agents, secuties investment, hotels, container terminals, retail, manufactung, telecommunications, infrastructe pjects and mateals, transportation and ener.


xx年前,在广东潮州,李出生在一个受教育家庭里,他从小就在教育方面尊重他,希望在他大时候获得更多知识,他李云京决定把全家搬到,尽管这样做可以避免大陆战乱。年迈李先生身体不好,很难在一个新地方安顿下来,就这样去世了,这意味着当李开兴先生只需要承担赡养和弟弟责任时,他先是在一家制造手表公司工作,后来由于努力工作而成为一名塑料制品员很快晋升为经理,后来,总经理用自己积蓄,他建立了一个塑料厂命名为Cheung Kong在岛,从而开始他杰出职业生涯在商业世界,准确预见到需求增长,他成立长江实业有限公司,在接下来xx年里,他专门从事塑料花卉和玩具,他第一次涉足房地产行业,到了今天,作为一个成商人,他在名声大噪,李先生控制了四家上市公司,即Cheung Kong(控股)有限公司,和记黄埔有限公司,长江基建控股有限公司和电灯集团有限公司,总部设在,总市值约为十亿港元,集团在世界各地主要国家,包括、加拿大、英国,均有重大投资和业务,德国和业务包括房地产和投资控股、房地产和房地产、证券投资、酒店、集装箱码头、零售、制造业、电信、基设施项目和材料、运输和能源。

标签: 留学英文名  女孩英文名  宠物英文名 

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