
发布时间:2023-12-05 18:20:58 阅读:40 点赞:0

关于”冷酷社会“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A cold Society。以下是关于冷酷社会中考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A cold Society

Society is a cycle. When people reach a certain age, ryone needs to enter this cycle. But before we enter the society, how can we understand it and learn something? I think the best way is to contact it.

Anyone who wants to have a better understanding of the society needs to seize the opportunity to get along with it. A student thought Understanding society, he had better do some part-time to expeence social life, then he can have a little understanding of society, no one told him.




According to the ethnic and national charactesti of the bogeoisie, racial restctions on people's social and legal status and violations of other basic ghts and s exist in class society. Racial discmination is essentially a class pblem. Racial discmination existed in ancient times, but its modern form started fm the pmitive accumulation of capital.

So far, racial discmination still exists in some parts of the world According to the phenomenon, this phenomenon is the manifestation of the reactionary ruling class to take legislative and istrative meases to advocate and spread the theoes of racial supeoty and racial hatred. Discmination is an open, legal, hidden and real South Afca, which highlights the manifestation of racial discmination on apartheid. White racists are the basic national policy of the country.

In the past half centy, white people The number of racial discmination laws pmulgated by the thoties is as large as that of Afcan Amecans. Indians, the indigenous people of Oceania, the former colonial immigrants in Eope, ethnic minoties and forei workers in Asia, "tbeen" and caste gups are all victims of racial discmination today. I am talking about racial discmination, racial discmination or color pblems in the United States, mainly in the United States and black people Becse they make up one-half of the population of the United States.




Social morality is an important part of o life, which reflects the ll of civilization in o country. Generally speaking, social morality includes many aspects, such as civilization. It requires people to behave apppately, treat others fendly and be willing to others.

It tells us that when we , we can those who need . On the other hand, we can also be satiied. As the old saying goes, sending ses and holding hands.

Besides, respecting the old and loving the young, ptecting the envinment, and abiding by the law are also social justice As a part of morality, abiding by social morality is the basic requirement of being a man. As a member of society, we should keep these disciplines and requirements in mind and be a moral person.



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