
发布时间:2023-04-07 11:38:23 阅读:83 点赞:0

关于”我记忆中最难忘事用“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The most unforgettable thing in my memory。以下是关于我记忆中最难忘事用高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The most unforgettable thing in my memory

Those days of winter vacation passed very quickly, I did some things, play, do homework, and so on. Sometimes I ed my mother do some housework. She thanks me for my housework.

I am pud of myself. I also reviewed my English study. I think I know than before in the new semester.

I want to seously study the overpopulation of o country, which has become one of the most seous pblems in o society According to a recent svey by the National Be of statisti, China's population exceeds 100 million. The svey also predicts that in the next few years, o population will gw rapidly. Too many people will bng heavy bden to o envinment.

Therefore, we are faced with the pblem of shortage of fresh water and natal resoces. As the supply of labor force greatly exceeds the social demand, many people begin to work The ot e of social unrest last but not least, we must make all kinds of pducts to meet the needs of the people. Spng Festival is a traditional festival in China.

Like Chstmas in western countes, Spng Festival is a day for family reunion. Every family pastes spicious inscptions and sets off firecrackers. The day before they eat dumplings is new year's Eve.

Like Chstmas Eve, all families are home I went shopping with my mother last Satday. I bought o shirts. One is red, the other is white.

I also bought a pair of Amecan made jeans. My mother bought a skirt. I think she looks really good in that dress.

We had a very happy day together.




When I graduated fm high school, I received a letter saying I could go to Hitler, and my family was very happy. We went to Harbin, my parents and I went shopping in the sun country, they bought me some things, they had to go back and we had dinner in a all restaant. My mother told me a lot of things.

If my mother told me a lot before, I would feel bored, but at that time I really hoped that she could keep saying, I really wanted to cry, but I held back my tears bee I didn't There was waiting for them to know that I could live. When they got on the bus, I was iling instead of crying when the bus disappeared. I ced, but I told myself that college is a new life and I should face it.

Finally, I went to school with a ile.




When I was in high school, one of my clasates was sitting next to me. His name was Chen Liang. He was an unforgettable person in my life.

I remember that my mathemati was just mediocre, but he was very good at calculating and solving mathematical pblems. He often got full marks. Of cose, I hope I can reach his ll.

Since we talked all day, I asked him how he could solve those pblems He was so patient and polite to gradually answer my sometimes absd ideas. I built up confidence in mathemati and finally passed the college entrance examination. Now we are separated, but I still remember his great attitude and willing to learn.

I thank my clasates, he is my forr fend.



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