
发布时间:2024-02-16 07:01:34 阅读:131 点赞:0

关于”人类对树危害“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Human damage to trees。以下是关于人类对树危害初三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Human damage to trees

Trees can betify the envinment and to pify the air. It's also good for o health. It can be used not only to make houses and paper, but also to make many other things.

For example, many things in o house are made of wood, so we should plant trees instead of cutting trees. We should try to keep the natal balance, absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, absorb toxic gases, check air pollution, expel bactea, disinfect, reduce dust, noise and absorb and release Radioactive mateal, pduce breeze, disperse air pollution - absorb radioactive mateal (balance of nate) it can not only be used to build houses and paper-html "target =" blank "> HTTP (betifying the envinment) and so on, many things in o home are made of wood, which generate breeze, disperse air pollution, hinder dust, water soce is ready to contl the ability of self-ptection of soil and water We have to plant trees, we have to pvide timber.




Human activities have increased the concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. With regard to human activities, the concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases has also increased. At present, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than that before industalization.

The carbon soce csed by human activities is than ice that of human activities. Howr, for than a few years, natal resoces have been closely balanced with natal sedimentation, such as weatheng of continental cks and carbonization of plants and mane plankton Photosynthesis, fm the end of the last ice age peak to the beginning of the industal age, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has remained beeen 2 parts per million and a few parts per million.




Trees can adjust the climate and maintain ecological balance. Thugh photosynthesis, trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen to make the air fresh. The fresh Chinese Mu forest releases oxygen to breathe life, so that people have enough trees for windbreak, sand fixation, soil and water conservation, and also can absorb all kinds of dust.

One mu of forest in China can absorb than tons of dust in a year, and the trees can reduce Noise pollution, howr, reduces the decibels of noise. Noise pollution has csed great harm to human life, study, work and rest. It can be said that it is people's "enemy".

Therefore, we should pay attention to afforestation noise, which can also make human heang loss, deafness, unpredictable, heart, blood presse, nerve abnormalities, etc. in the long years, and n make people Death of such trees in long-term noise can reduce noise by fo to five times, and tree secretions kill bactea per cubic meter of the air.



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