
发布时间:2023-11-27 02:21:54 阅读:57 点赞:0

关于”工作与家庭题目“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Work and family issues。以下是关于工作与家庭题目六级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Work and family issues

My family I have a happy family. My family has three poppers: Yes, my father, my mother and my parents and I live in the city. My father is a worker.

He works very hard. My mother is a Chinese teacher. She works at sn o'clock in the ning.

She cooks dinner for us. The food is delicious. I am a student.

I have Chinese, math and English classes at school ry day I have many fends after class. I play with my fends. We are very happy ry day.

I love my family very much.




In today's increasingly diversified food choices, there seems to be a pblem in people's lives, that is, the choice of food taste and nuttion. Howr, I think nuttion is important than taste, and taste is popular among people. People generally think that a dish can't be called a acle without good taste.

We often hear people praise how delicious a dish is, but it's all related to the taste of the food. Think about it, it's the taste yo body finally absorbs. Obviously, it's not that o body needs nuttion to svive and thve Long, so nuttion is important in this sense.

Nuttion is what o body relies on to function normally. Take myself for example, when I decide what to eat ry day, what nuttion I need today is not what I want to taste. Of cose, sometimes I will psue something spicy or sweet, but deep down in my heart, I know that nuttion should be my pmary task.

It is difficult for a malnoushed person to do anything becse he lacks vitality or is supported by vaous nutents for the brain and body. Therefore, nuttion is important than taste. Secondly, fm a scientific point of view, monitong the taste of food is of great importance to o body It's harmful.

Spices will release heat when they are digested. Excessive heat will not only lead to obesity, but also cse liver pblems and kidney pblems. I beli we all don't want natal conclusions.

Although the taste is sometimes attractive, fther thinking tells me that nuttion is important.




Career or family: which is important when asked about career and family? People always have different answers. Some people think the psuit of career is important, while others think that family should be the first in life. Undouedly, career plays a key le in o life.

First of all, career can give us a goal. Without career, most of o life time will be wasted. What's , career can pvide us with a life Most people make money by working.

On the other hand, family is also an indispensable part of life. Many people will admit that family has always been regarded as a place where we can escape the tubles of life. Without family, we can get a sense of belonging fm family.

In my opinion, anyone will feel lonely and desperate. Career and family are not antagonistic To pmote each other, so that their lives become better and better. Therefore, it is not a choice beeen ght and wng, but beeen ideal and reality.



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