关于新年的英语作文_new year 3篇

发布时间:2022-07-06 09:30:55 阅读:81 点赞:0

关于”新年“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:new year。以下是关于新年专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:new year

A new year, a new beginning, when I stand on the edge of the new year, I can't thinking as I did in the past. My plan for next year is well said: a good start is half the success, so I decided that I should work when others are still relaxed, and then, at the beginning, I am faster than others, of cose, I will get better results than others, but I What really decided to do was that I had to make use of the time I could spare, and although it seemed impossible, I would try my best to implement my plan, which would pve that.




The new year is coming. It's time to make plans for the new year. What I want to do is: I will get better grades, my English and Chinese are very good, but I need to impve my math ll, I will learn better, I will get d of my bad habits, I often get up late and get up early, which is good for my health, so I will get up earlier than usual, I will eat junk food, they are not good for my health, I should eat fruits and vegetables, you will make me Being healthier and stnger this year has been a great year for me, but I will do better next year.

I will try to keep my resolution. What are yo plans for the new year? Wish you a happy new year.




Ding the winter vacation, I bought a pair of boots, a pair of boots. They are very betiful, very similar to my boots. They are Lantern Festival.

Moreover, the housework I do is much better than that I do for my mother. I ate some dumplings, which are delicious. I made a big decision here.

This year, I want to impve my English and Chinese, becse I am not good at them, and I am not good at wting. I want to spend a lot I'll try my best to practice it. This summer, I want to learn how to swim becse swimming is a good way to keep healthy.

There is a swimming pool near o school. I will go there with my best fend after school. She will me have a good time.

That's all.



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