
发布时间:2024-02-24 16:04:20 阅读:28 点赞:0

关于”狼报告“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Wolf Report。以下是关于狼报告四级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wolf Report

http://zhidaobaiducom/question/htmlsi=1Good This is the weather forecast of some big cities in the world in the morning. Shenyang is sunny and warm. There will be good sun ding the day.

But the temperate is very low tonight. Please wear warm clothes when you go out at night. This is the weather forecast for today.

Thank you. Are you listening.




My father told me to learn English, but I would be excited. I would often show off in fnt of my parents and my mother would often learn a few words for me. Finally, one day, my father said, "I'm nine step heart, Cai Xue knows so much in such a little time." I said, "of cose" "good." Dad stretched out his left hand, and he pointed his ght hand at the yellow on the table and said, "the three letters on it can't be guessed ”Hey hey, tell you, blind dad is English, I see "Meng", thought, since it is on the watch, it must be the relevant time.

Hey, this is not "Monday" Monday, the first three letters? Anyway, it was a layman's father, "Monday, isn't it?" "Right?" Well, this is my father's entanglement. I saw it's "whirling", which is the first three letters in "Tuesday". I didn't expect it to see my father say: "really have o sons" on Tuesday.

My father asked me: how to read English this week? You can see that her father told me to learn English one night. My father used a piece of paper and a pen Fm Monday to Sunday, I wte down the English words in one breath. My father asked, "read on Monday, how to" Monday.

"I blted out," Mom says a dad, a piece of paper says "" Mom "" Dad, what are you? "" this is my way of learning "is a funny backgund. Her father injected her with" mosquito "on Wednesday and noted on Fday "When reading" tiger ", I can't but say" tiger's words "to me.




It has been my fifth year of work. These are annual. I grew up to be a nse with ch working expeence, and was replaced by a dzzled trainee.

Corey has also left many old colleagues in recent years, but many new colleagues have come to get along with me over the years. The coordination and Chinese dress work are still as usual. It will be Chinese New Year soon, and I can't feeling like I'm going in Thw the ctain film, one thing after another happened in the year, which is the most siificant thing: is it true? This year we have divided into gups, which may include a major pblem.

O department is divided into o gups, my quilt.



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