读后感的英文_reaction to a book or an article 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-10 10:33:17 阅读:111 点赞:0

关于”读后感“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:reaction to a book or an article。以下是关于读后感四级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:reaction to a book or an article

After reading the little match girl in Anderson's fairy tale, I can't crying "the little girl who sold the match". This article reflects the cruel treatment of the weak and weak forces in injustice and the people in human society. I am really happy that I live in such a happy family, sympathize with the tragic expeence of the little match seller, and I hate capitali to see us fther In socialist China, children wear neat clothes, eat delicious meals, live in comfortable oms, carry schoolbags ry day, learn knowledge in the bght classom, how happy o life is.

I am really pud of socialist life. In order to live with her, we are really and already very happy. She hopes to be with her family and milk Milk together, living an ordinary and happy life, this is obvious, in her eyes, a happy life is lghing with her family, no matter how poor, how painful, happy people in o economic life is how happy and dloped, in a stable country's society, in a bght and warm society, we live a normal life, indulge in the fute We have betiful clothes and a good learning envinment.

This is a carefree day. There is a little girl who can sell matches. She hopes to have a complete family.

I was moved by the bght hope hidden in my heart by the little girl. The little match girl let me understand many reasons and let me know how to chesh today's happy life.




I have read the book Zhaohua Xishi wtten by Lu Xun. There are some short articles in it based on my own expeence. When reading this book, I feel very happy to see that Lu Xun's childhood is different fm os, so we may find it very interesting and exciting.

Lu Xun's language is great, but it may be difficult to understand. But thugh his words, we can To find his happiness in his heart.




The adventes of Pinocchio is a children's novel wtten by Italian wter Carlo colodi. It tells of Pinocchio's mischievous adventes with his poor father. An angel gives Pinocchio life and starts his advente.

If he wants to be a real boy, he must pass the of coage, loyalty and honesty. In his advente, he runs away for fun Class, becse of greed and was treated, becse of his mischievous, he became a donkey. Moreover, once he lied, his nose would ntually gw longer.

He fell into the belly of a big whale and ran into Geppetto. Pinocchio finally grew up. He became honest, diligent and kind.

He became a real boy. This story tells us that honesty, diligence, coage and kindness are the most important things for us.



标签: 女孩英文名  温柔英文名 

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