关于亲情的英语作文_family affection 3篇

发布时间:2022-06-13 15:05:08 阅读:151 点赞:0

关于”亲情“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:family affection。以下是关于亲情高二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:family affection

I was born in an ordinary family, but I nr feel that I lack anything in my life. When I encounter difficulties, they will support me without hesitation. Stng kinship has given me great motivation.

No matter how far the Chinese people go, they pay special attention to family reunion. Family members go home to have a big dinner in traditional festivals. This meal is of great siificance to ryone.

People can enjoy the opportunity to communicate with each other and strenen their support. We will become a stng person no matter how difficult life is When we are in tuble, we natally think of o family, becse they give us the motivation to get thugh the difficulties. If we are tired, we go home and talk to o parents.

Then all o tubles will be forgotten. They are meaningless to you. Compared with kinship, intimate affection is the infinite power to guide us to live a positive life.

I chesh all the love they give me.








"Maybe you will forget the people who share their happiness with you, but you will remember those who have tasted tears with you." ryone has many fends, and he must have his own fendship, but usually only when you are in tuble do you know what true fendship is? A fend in need is a true fend. Only a true fend can you when you are in tuble. If you build a fendship in times of difficulty and let it last forr, maybe a boy and a girl become good fends, they will feel very happy together, but other students may think, if you are one of them, they have fallen in love, if I am in that position, what would you do? I don't care what others will say, I only care about her We should know that o fendship is pe, there is no bad mixte, fendship is very important to ryone, so I will let my fendship last forr.

Everyone should know that if you don't make fends with yo heteual clasates, you have lost half of yo fends, so you can make fends with all yo clasates. Don't be shy, you should also treat you Pay enough attention to the established fendship and don't desty it unless you want to ht it. You shouldn't do it becse if you do, you will lose a lot of emotion.

Please chesh rything you have. Maybe you don't care about it now, but when you lose it, you will find how important it is.



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