
发布时间:2024-02-14 05:19:49 阅读:20 点赞:0

关于”推荐信写作步骤“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Wting steps of recommendation letter。以下是关于推荐信写作步骤初一英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wting steps of recommendation letter

As a large class teacher for o years in o kindergarten, Mr. soyasuo has ch teaching expeence. She is modest, steady, hardworking and positive.

She is deeply loved by the majoty of children. She takes care of the children in her work. She is good at self-impvement, teaching ability and close cooperation with colleagues.

She tes to impve children's learning ability and does all things in the normal nt teaching pcess In the United States, and workers are moving towards the direction of all-und dlopment. In the eyes of o comrades, o leaders are cheerful and optimistic, and they treat rything with an optimistic attitude, creating a good teaching envinment for o kindergarten The important le of harmony, initiative and hard work is precisely bee the responsible person's descption of Shang Guanlan is concise and to the point. We have always highly appreciated shangguanlan's work.

We firmly beli that Comrade shangguanlan has the absolute ability to meet the challenges when he comes to Canada and continue to give full play to his best preschool education expeence.




I'm glad to recommend Miss Zhang Lili to you bee she is one of the best students in o department. Miss Zhang be to attend my English class at the University of international trade in, and graduated in the spng of. Although it has been than eight years since I last saw her, the deep impression she left on me has not faded at all.

She is a very art, honest, creative, articulate and adaptable person. Her high academic achiments are self-evident: she has always been at the top of the class, I beli Miss Zhang will make a great contbution to yo company. I stngly recommend her for this position.

Please do not hesitate to ask if I can you. My fend Li Ming wants to apply for the position in yo company. I would like to intduce my fend Li Ping, who graduated fm a university three years ago.

Since then, he has been a lawyer. He has a good command of English He works hard and works hard. He is honest, kind and easy to get along with.

He was born in Jinan, Shandong Pvince, China. He is mared and now lives in Renmin Road, Jinan City. He is very interested in yo company.

If he is employed, he will try his best. I beli he will be qualified for this position. If you agree, please wte to him.

His telephone number is yos.





Dear Sir or Madam, we would like to intduce to you an excellent student of the world trade major in o university. He has been outstanding in his study and life and is positive. O bght star has won a lot of enterpsing spit in his life, and his life will be blliant in the fute.

When he was a freshman, he won a second ll scholarship. When he was a sopho, he got to the highest ll. Moreover, he has won the title of "good student", as you can see, his life has been upward, and his enthusia has bught him to a higher standard.

Her scores are the most impressive, ranging fm multiple to multiple. He's very art. We hope you can accept his scholarship to the school of economi.




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