对互联网的看法英语作文_Views on the Internet 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-26 14:39:01 阅读:252 点赞:0

关于”对互联网看法“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Views on the Internet。以下是关于对互联网看法高考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Views on the Internet

Hello ryone, we all know that many students like to work on the Internet. It can bng us a lot of good things. We can learn knowledge fm books, practice oral English with others, and find some useful information.

At the same time, it can also bng us some bad things, also can let us make a lot of fends, see some bad news for us, spend too much time on it, we should know what to do and what not to do. That's my idea. Thank you for listening.




(Internet) the Internet is very useful for us. The Internet is a very good facility for collecting information. The Internet makes it easy for us to establish social connections.

We can have many fends all over the world and gain a lot of knowledge thugh the Internet. Today, millions of people communicate thugh e-mail, but there are also shortcomings of the Internet. Many neork information may be false, the neork Socialization will weaken o ability to deal with interpersonal relationships in the real world.

The weak may be addicted to online s and online entertainment, thus destying their careers. The loveliness of the Internet is infinite and colorful, but to strenen the mament, we should make good use of it only when we have a pper way to get online.




The Internet plays an increasingly important le in o daily life. On the Internet, we can learn the news and all kinds of information at home and abad. We can also use e-mail, phone calls, online schools, reading books and learning forei languages.

In addition, we can enjoy music, watch sports s and play chess and cards on the Internet. We can n shop, chat and make fends. The Internet makes o life abundant color.



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