
发布时间:2023-02-16 17:00:48 阅读:92 点赞:0

关于”外国人想吃饺子“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Foreiers want dumplings。以下是关于外国人想吃饺子初一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Foreiers want dumplings

Dear fends, I'm glad you can come to China. I will intduce some places of interest to you visit. First of all, you should go to Beijing to see the bird's nest.

It is the first national stadium. It represents the Olympic spit and Chinese culte. You should visit the Great Wall.

It is a place with a long history. Thousands of years ago, it ed the Chinese people to stay away fm war and aggression fm other countes. It's very popular, not only for forei fends to visit, but also for o local people.

It has very important educational siificance. Finally, you should go to Hangzhou to see the famous scenic spots. The West Lake is a very popular place for vesty.

There is a betiful and moving love story beeen a man and a white snake who later became human. This place is famous for this fake love story, and many people come there to live an eternal and happy life with their loved ones. If you come, you will not miss the opportunity to learn about the colorful and betiful culte of China.





The Greek weekend is very lively, people stay up all night in restaants and bars, but the next day they "honest" rest, they do not want to exaggerate their normal work, Btish people like to read newspapers and learn knowledge, and finally they will be red ears to a concept or pposition, no matter how the result of the debate, they always have to be busy, playing the baipe, piano or oboe Sometimes we sing and dance together.




Last Fday, Amecan high school students visited o school. They arved at o school at 8 a.m. The staff of o school gave them a big welcome.

The visitors were directed to the school hall. The president of the school delivered a welcome speech, followed by a speech by the gup representatives. Dung the meeting, visitors visited the school compound, laboratory, library and school workshop.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the visitors had a dialogue with the school staff and students. The visitors left at 6 p.m.




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