
发布时间:2024-03-06 11:10:19 阅读:35 点赞:0

关于”有关描写四季“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:About descbing the fo seasons。以下是关于有关描写四季四级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About descbing the fo seasons

Spng, the weather is warm, the most shady day is rainy, suitable for the gwth of plants, many betiful flowers will appear in the summer at that time, the weather is very hot, the temperate is very high, we like to swim and eat ice cream. In addition, there are also some typhoons and rainstorms. We can't forget that when we go out in tumn, the weather is very cool and the weather is very good, which is very suitable for picni.

Howr, tumn is usually very short, so please enjoy the most suitable time of winter. It is too cold in winter. In fact, it may snow.

The weather is very dry. Many people have a cold in this season, so we should eat it oselves.




In spng, the earth is fresh and green, flowers, like a delicate little pncess, they sometimes bloom, some are in bud, the sun s in the sky, students have played basketball on the playgund, some are playing s under the tree, some are playing bton, bton suddenly ran to one side, rushed to the other side, dazzling, others are playing football in the tumn, the whole The campus has become a golden ocean. The leaves are flying in the campus. The leaves of the grass and flowers are gradually tning yellow.

The clothes of the students are also getting thicker. Dung the class, the whole campus appears quiet. Only the sound of the wind and the catchy sound of the bean trees in winter can be heard.

In winter, my grandfather comes quietly. We should have put on cotton padded jacket, and the grass with hat is weang The cotton padded jacket on the pe, grass and flowers are not ready for winter, so "cold" is the fo seasons in o eyes.




In spng, the animals come to the quiet forest, and gradually become lively. The green lawn is covered with all kinds of betiful flowers. The real bety is in summer.

Under the sun, the fidgety cicada in the sky keeps on the tree like a little girl. The lotus holds the green umbrella, and the dog lies in the shade. The stretched leaves tn yellow under the tumn wind.

The golden tumn looks like a little butterfly Butterfly in the lovely little squirrel jump on the tree, busy picking nuts, winter bught snow and the earth, snow covered many animals are waiting for sleep, crying for the coming spng, the animals come to the quiet forest slowly become lively, green lawn full of all kinds of betiful flowers, the real bety in summer, the sun in the sky, restless cicada in the tree constantly Like a little girl, lotus holding a green umbrella dog lying in the shade, stretch straight panting leaves in the tumn wind blowing yellow, golden tumn, like a little butterfly in the lovely little squirrel jumped on the tree, busy picking nuts, winter bught snow and the earth, snow-white many animals are waiting for sleep, shouting next spng is coming.



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