
发布时间:2024-01-09 16:45:59 阅读:23 点赞:0

关于”文化业务重要“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Importance of cultal business。以下是关于文化业务重要托福英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Importance of cultal business

Among all o knowledge, some come fm the books we read, some fm o personal expeences in o lives. Different people attach importance to different soces, young people and educated people, for example, may emphasize the former, the elderly may emphasize the latter, but in my opinion, book knowledge and personal expeence are both so. Equally important, knowledge gained fm expeence may be the first-hand The books in the library may be out of date, give you useless information, rything is changing, and so is knowledge.

If you do fieldwork without relying on books, you may be spsed. The knowledge gained fm yo own expeence is eternal. Therefore, it is very important for students to participate in practical activities and accumulate vaous expeences.

Howr, expeence is limited, time and are limited, no one can expeence rything to oain the knowledge he needs. In addition, the society is dloping so fast that new pblems appear on the basis of relying on expeence at an alarming speed. Therefore, one's mind narw and biased is the summary of o ancestors' wisdom.

Of cose, reading is the best way to acquire knowledge. At the same time, participating in a vaety of practical activities, the combination of the o will certainly ench and health notice us Yes.





I think ryone should first learn English well. If you can speak English, you can do business with foreiers and make money five years ago. Secondly, if you can speak English, you can make fends and ntually bng you happiness.

If you learn English well, you can get better job and higher salary, which means you can enjoy better Quality of life.




It is true that no one can deny the fact that modern buildings are well structed and fashionable, but some modern buildings are the same, which can not reflect the charactesti of a country; on the contrary, some old buildings enhance the natal bety of the city, it unique and attractive; and the old buildings can also serve the city as a histocal spot or museum, thus pmoting the dlopment of national economy The second thing to pay attention to is that the ancient buildings depicting the culte and tradition of a country are the representatives of history. Traditional buildings remind people of their ogin and the dlopment of civilization. When people see the gups of forei buildings on the Bund of Shanghai, they can not but think of the times when Shanghai was ruled by sral forei countes, such as the United States and France.

If a country does not preserve the ancient buildings as histocal footpnts, Not to mention one by one, it may lose its history in this country. By preserving these histocal buildings, fute generations will be easier to understand the histocal backgund of a country and maintain its cultal value.



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