保护动物的重要性英语作文_The importance of protecting animals 3篇

发布时间:2022-04-29 11:40:02 阅读:592 点赞:0

关于”保护动物重要“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The importance of ptecting animals。以下是关于保护动物重要高三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of ptecting animals

Some people think that human needs for far, housing and industry are important than saving land for endangered animals. Do you agree with this view? Why or why don't you use specific reasons and examples to support yo answer in the past? There are many endangered animals now extinct. Does their disappearance have an impact on o envinment? Has o own quality of life changed these questions If we desty the habitats of endangered species in order to dlop far, there is a delicate balance beeen houses or industal parks.

If a all part is removed, it will affect all other parts. For example, if some trees are cut down, bats will have no habitat. If there are no bats, they will not be able to breed and there will be no animals Or birds eat certain insects, and o kpso envinment is affected by the lack of certain animals.

Some peanth butterflies pollinate, migrate fm Canada to Mexico, some butterfly breeding gunds, and now these flowers are disappeang fm some areas, and we can no longer enjoy their bety. O quality of life has changed. The United States was covered with big trees, and now we have to Go to a all park and visit them.

Rainforests nd the world are being cut down to make om for human beings. We will nr be able to see or study this fragile eco. I encoage us humans to have alternatives for o far, housing and industry that animals don't have.




Animals do you agree or disagree with this view? Why or why don't you give specific reasons and examples to support yo answer in the past? There are many endangered animals now extinct, whether their disappearance has affected o envinment or o own quality of life? The answer to these questions is "yes" if we want to dlop far, housing or industry It's a delicate balance beeen parks and destruction of habitats of endangered species. If a all part of nate is removed, it will affect all other parts. For example, if some trees are cut down, bats will have no place to live.

If there are no bats, they will not be able to repduce. There will be no animals or birds to eat some insects. These insects are tubling o far envinment, Becse of the lack of some animals, some flowers are pollinated by butterflies that migrate fm Canada to Mexico, and some butterfly breeding gunds have been destyed.

Now these flowers are disappeang fm some areas. We will no longer be able to enjoy their bety. O quality of life has changed.

The United States used to be covered by big trees. Go to a all park to visit them. Rainforests all over the world are being cut down for human beings Out of , we will nr be able to see or study this fragile eco, and I encoage us.




It is very important for us students to keep o own safety. Students like us are flowers and hope for the fute, but there are many dangers in o life. First of all, according to the rapid dlopment of comrs, we must learn to go to some specific websites and learn to limit the time on comrs.

Another thing is not to meet netizens. If you don't know them, they may also be mean. There are some good ways to get along with students First of all, be fendly.

Of cose, you can others when you can. In today's world, it's very convenient to take a de, but be careful not to take a stranger's car. No matter how betiful they look, there is a lot to learn.

We should ptect o own safety.



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