
发布时间:2023-11-20 18:31:13 阅读:109 点赞:0

关于”我最爱漫画“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:My favote cartoon。以下是关于我最爱漫画小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My favote cartoon

My favote cartoon character is snow white. She plays sn dwarfs in snow white. Her mother died, and her stepmother was very bad.

Then she met the dwarf in the forest. They ed herat marry the last handsome pnce. She lived a happy life just like her.

Bee she was brave and art, she could learn a lot fm her. My favote cartoon character is Doraemon. He came to a boy's house thugh a magic machine.

The boy's name is Daxiong, and they become good fends. Bear always has pblems, but he doesn't like mice. Raymond likes bean cake.

Every time Doraemon s him. Doraemon is lovely. He always makes me happy.

My favote cartoon character is Garfield. I think ryone knows that he is a lazy but interesting guy. Kathy was born in a kitchen.

His favote hobby is sleeping. His best fend is a r. He likes eating pizza very much, but he doesn't like fruit cake.

It's interesting to say that garfeild garfeild makes my life so interesting I like Hin very much. I like Shrek very much bee he is a gentle monster. He loves his wife, his fends and his children.

He s his fends find his confidence. Although there are many difficult things in his joney to find the king, he has learned how to make himself accept his will. Bee of his bravery, he is finally accepted by ryone.







My favote people in Caton are mushom Diandian and didi. You know they are o mushoms. They are very cute and interesting.

Diandian is a boy and didi is a girl. They are good fends. Their interesting stoes make me lgh.

I love them very much. How about you.




My favote cartoon character Conan my favote cartoon character is Detective Conan. Conan has the appearance of a pmary school student. In fact, he is a high school student, equivalent to a high school student of modern Sherlock Holmes.

He is a art and delicate detective. He has a narw body. Howr, his wisdom has not changed Conan.

His fends, hybara Youmei, Masada and Kazuki, have not changed him Pu photoni formed a detective boy team together. He defeated the enemy with his own mind. His heart has only one goal.

As a student, there is only one truth. We should go to find the truth and use o brains.



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