
发布时间:2022-11-15 07:52:37 阅读:496 点赞:0

关于”蛋炒饭制作过程“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Egg fed ce pduction pcess。以下是关于蛋炒饭制作过程考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Egg fed ce pduction pcess

Today is a good day. When I got up in the morning, I made breakfast for myself. I put oil into the pan.

A few minutes later, I be to fry eggs. The eggs came. They were fed very seously.

So I was familiar with it. I prepared milfield and fed ce with eggs. I made breakfast by myself.

It was delicious,.




This egg fed ce recipe is pvided by a reader's side dishes: egg teaspoons Asian sesame oil, tbsp vegetable oil cup leftovers g, dry ounces before cooking) g / 4 oz fzen peas (thawed) green onion (chopped green onion / 4 oz bean sputs to TSP soy sce, gund into pepper, seasoning preparation: beat eggs and sesame oil in a all bowl, and put vegetable oil in a large flat Heat in the pan. When the oil is shimmeng and almost oke, heat the ce and stir fry for a few minutes until they are completely heated. Add peas, scallions and bean sputs and stir for about minutes to make the ce fragrant.

Use soy sce and pepper, and then push to one side of the pan. Po the beaten eggs on the other side of the pan. Let stand for a few seconds.

Stir the eggs with chopsticks and ash the eggs And then mix it with the ce for another minute. Please note: add something at will, such as chopped ham or cooked shmp.




It's a good day to get up this morning. I made breakfast for myself. I put the oil in the oil pan.

After a few minutes, I be to fry the eggs. I laid the eggs and fed them. So I became familiar.

I poed the ce and prepared the fed ce with eggs. It's really delicious,.



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