
发布时间:2024-02-27 15:07:44 阅读:46 点赞:0

关于”元宵节活动“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Activities of the Lantern Festival。以下是关于元宵节活动初一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Activities of the Lantern Festival

The formation of the Lantern Festival Customs has a long pcess. According to general information and folklore, the first day of the first lunar month in the Western Han Dynasty was taken seously. Emper Wudi of the Han Dynasty worshipped "Taiyi" in Oasis temple on the first night of the first lunar month It is said that the Lantern Festival oginated fm the "Torch Festival".

In ral areas, Han people hold torches to dve away insects and animals in the fields, hoping to reduce insect damage and pray for a good harvest. Even today, people in some areas of Southwest China are like this. Reed torches are made of wood or branches and hold torches in gups In the Sui, Tang, song and n floushing song and dance, tens of thousands of people participated in the dance.

Fm dusk to dawn, howr, in the dark, with the changes of society and times, the custom of the Lantern Festival has changed greatly, but it is still a traditional Chinese folk festival. Another view is that the Lantern Festival oginated fm Taoist customs. The first month of the festival is the Lantern Festival, July is the gry festival, and October is the Heyuan Festival, which is in charge of the upper, middle and lower yuan, which are Tian, Di, Renguan and Tianguan music respectively.

Therefore, the festival seasons of Lotus Lantern Festival and Lantern Festival are extended with the dlopment and extension of history, There were three days before the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, and five days in the Song Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the lights were lit on the eighth day and tned off on the first night of the first lunar month. The whole day was connected with the Spng Festival.

The city was the city dung the day, and the lights were cwded at night. The exquisite and colorful lights also made it a climax of entertainment activities dung the Spng Festival. In the Qing Dynasty, dance, lion dance, and lion dance were added Howr, the festival season was shortened to a few days.




In the morning, I was woken up by the sound of gunfire. It tned out that today was the Lantern Festival. I climbed up quickly and went to the feast with my mother.

My mother and I had a happy day. I went home and just left home. My mother and I were sunded by gunfire.

My mother covered her ears and hid in a car behind me. I was excited to go straight ahead. When the gunshot was all, my mother slowly To explore a succesul career, I took my mother's hand and ran to the gate with all my stren.

Only then did we escape fm the artillery camp. We took a taxi, which was a sigh of relief. The Lantern Festival is really exciting.




Lantern Festival: after the Spng Festival, China's Lantern Festival is coming. People celebrate it on the 15th day of the lunar calendar. It symbolizes that the short rest after the Spng Festival is over.

People need to go back to work with the best wishes. In the new year, we all celebrate this festival with ch food and fun. The most important and traditional food for the Lantern Festival is sweet dumplings with soft ce outside In it are peanuts or sesame seeds.

This all ce ball represents the happiness of reunion. Besides having dinner with parents and relatives, it is also the best wish of the whole family. There are many activities on this day.

Lantern Festival and ddle guessing are all part of the Lantern Festival. The most interesting thing is to wte lantern ddles on lanterns after dinner, and the whole family will attend the Lantern Festival. At this moment, ry city can enjoy it By this moment of happiness, there is always a street famous for the Lantern Festival.

On that special day, the lights are bght, the lights are bght, and the dience is in constant stream. Seeing all kinds of lanterns and eating sweet dumplings, the happiness in my heart is indescbable. When we are with the people we love, thinking about the bght fute in fnt of us, ry happy Lantern Festival is worth it.



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