
发布时间:2024-04-15 03:56:48 阅读:18 点赞:0

关于”带一个朋友到学校“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Take a fend to school。以下是关于带一个朋友到学校xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Take a fend to school

Mobile phone is a necessity in o daily life. More and people have mobile phones. But whether it is beneficial for students to take mobile phones to school is different.

Different people have different opinions. First of all, mobile phones are a good communication tool. People can share the news anytime and anywhere.

Parents can know where their children are to ense their safety. Second, some people don't With a watch, they can know the time by looking at their mobile phones, so that they can guarantee the time of class. Third, many mobile phones have very useful functions, such as taking pictes, recording records, investigating the Internet, English Chinese dictionaes, and so on.

These functions are really good for learning. Howr, some people are against bnging mobile phones to schools. They think that mobile phones can attract students' attention, which is not conducive to learning.

If the mobile phones ng in class, teachers and other students may be distbed What's worse, some students use mobile phones to cheat in exams, so it's not good for students to take mobile phones to school. In my opinion, ry coin has o sides. The most important thing is how you use it.

If you use it correctly, it bngs convenience to you. If you use it wng, it may desty you.




Hi, honey, I haven't heard fm you for a long time. How was yo day? I heard you won a new generation of chess a few days ago. Good, you know, we often play chess together, so I want to give you a challenge, honey, look down on Mei Lanfang is always better than you, although I haven't played chess for some time, I don't think it will affect my work efficiency.

This week, you can come to my house to play chess and celebrate o reunion. We have had some good tea. We will have a good day to look forward to I'll see you later.




Reading Nicholas, what are you reading? Linda lindane is reading a novel mill on the floss, wtten by famous novelist George Eliot Nicholas. The main thing about Linda is about the relationship beeen a bther and a sister who lives in a mill on the banks of the floss. It descbes their childhood and a dis that led to their separation at the end of the book.

They are happily together again, but they are all killed in the flood. It's hard for Nicholas to understand lindano really. I think Nicholas is easy to understand besides novels.

Are there any other types of literary works that you indulge in, like short stoes like Nicholas, besides literate I've read anything else. I like to read all kinds of books. I read rything I can in my spare time.

I don't want to waste my time. Nicholas agreed that people who don't read are no better than those who can't. I agree that books are like food for the soul.



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