
发布时间:2022-09-23 04:24:28 阅读:123 点赞:0

关于”人物介绍“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Character intduction。以下是关于人物介绍xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Character intduction

It has attracted people's attention, and has always attracted people's attention to the vaous cses of this part music, which plays an important le. There is no complete agreement, that is, some people take it for granted that, taking into account the above factors, I think that on the whole,.




Li Yan, an engineer, was born in Beijing, China on December th. After graduating fm Tsinghua University in, he made an important decision in his life. After fo years of hard work, he decided to go to the United States for fther study.

Dung his doctorate, he ed the new mament ideas and advanced technologies in the comr field, and made a decision to retn to the motherland to open a company. His wife and dghter are used to the Amecan lifestyle, so they still stay in the United States, but they can still meet frequently. Becse of the convenient transportation, his wife and dghter often come to see him on holidays.




My mother has a pair of keen eyes and can speak with her eyes. She observes my emotions, gives me coage and makes me stng. So when I was a baby, she could face difficulties.

When I fell down, my mother always ed me and encoaged me to stand up. When I fell down, I finally put myself into her arms. When I grew up, I met and But whenr I am depressed, my mother's eyes always give me hope and encoagement, becse I failed the exam, my mother encoaged me to find out the reason, not blame me, but ge me to do better.

I finally overcame the difficulties. Now I gw up and become independent. But whenr I encounter setbacks, my mother's eyes are always with me, encoaging me to go where.



标签: 女孩英文名  小女孩英文名  女宝宝英文名  宠物英文名 

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