
发布时间:2023-06-15 02:23:33 阅读:181 点赞:0

关于”做炒饭“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Cook fed ce。以下是关于做炒饭小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cook fed ce

//Ingredients: ce, eggs, carts / potatoes / all mushoms, tofu spoons, meat, bth spoons practice: cut carts, potatoes, tofu into all dices, slice all mushoms, eggs, beat nly, salt and monosodium glutamate, put a all amount of oil into the pot, add cooking wine, a all amount of soy sce, stir out of the pot, put a all amount of oil, add eggs, stir the liquid with a spatula stir fry its bken Add cart, diced potato, bean cd and all mushom. Stir for a while. Season with salt and monosodium glutamate.

Add in stewed meat. Add ce, meat and egg soup. Stew in minutes.

Feates: color, taste, soft ce and vegetables, easy to digest.




Today is a good day. After I got up in the morning, I made breakfast for myself. My most familiar fed ce with eggs.

You need a bowl of ce, o eggs, some onions, some salt and oil, and some appetizers. First of all, you beat the eggs, then heat the ce in the frying pan, and then take out the ce, put o spoons of oil into the pan. After the oil is warm, po in the beaten eggs and stir slightly.

Finally, mix the ce into the eggs, add the green onion and seasoning, tn off the stove, and put the egg fed ce on the plate.




Directions: heat a teaspoon of seed oil in a large non stick pan, add it to the egg with medium stirng, occasionally stir until the egg is bken, add the remaining teaspoon oil to the frying pan, then raise the temperate to medium height, stir in fzen vegetables for sral minutes, or add seasoning and crushed red, stir pepper into the pot, heat thoughly, and After mixing in the boiled eggs, let the child squeeze on the lime juice, to add flavor to the dish.



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