
发布时间:2023-07-11 16:00:40 阅读:263 点赞:0

关于”介绍对饮食文化“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Intduction to Chinese food culte。以下是关于介绍对饮食文化初一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to Chinese food culte

Spng Festival my favote festival is Spng Festival, usually in February. I like it becse I can receive some gifts and a lot of money. On New Year's Eve, I can eat a big and delicious food.

I can watch the Spng Festival party on TV and play with my cousin. Now and western festivals enter China. Chstmas is a popular western festival in China.

I think playing western festivals is great Becse it can us understand western culte, but I don't think we should forget Chinese festivals, becse they are o traditional festivals, so we should not forget Chinese festivals.




Under the inhetance of William, Duke of Normandy in France, the Btish thne bught splendid French and Italian food culte and laid the foundation for traditional Btish cuisine. Howr, due to the limitations of geographical and natal conditions, the dlopment of Btish agculte was not perfect. Every year, Btish food is not as good as French food, so Btish food is relatively , Btish people also lgh at themselves not good at cooking, but the Btish breakfast is abundant, Btish afternoon tea is particularly ch and exquisite in Btain, Chstmas dinner is very important, usually lasting eight to nine hos, each dish will blow the trumpet at the earliest, the Btish are very particular about eating ast peacock, later changed to ast goose, until the world The Btish food is relatively , but the Btish breakfast is very large, which is called "big breakfast" https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/png/0.




In today's society, people have realized the importance of keeping healthy and good living habits. People eat three meals at home, eat vegetables, and eat less meat and fish. They are very stng and seldom go to the doctor.

Now life is better. People eat meat, fish, eggs and other fatty foods. They often go out to have a good meal with their family and fends, but they are easy to get sick.

Why do I think that eating meat and fish, less exercise is harmful to health, less meat and fish, vegetables and enough exercise are good for health, So I exercise ry day. My eating habits are very good. I eat a lot about vegetables.

I eat fruit and milk ry day. I dnk a glass of water a few minutes before ry meal and eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Of cose, I also like junk food.

I eat it once a week and sleep nine hos a day. If we dlop good eating habits, the hr o life will be.



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