介绍绍兴的英语作文_Introduce Shaoxing 5篇

发布时间:2022-04-29 11:39:55 阅读:147 点赞:0

关于”介绍绍兴“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Intduce Shaoxing。以下是关于介绍绍兴中考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce Shaoxing

Speech con confidence I recently made a svey to find out whether students like Jian's English speech con and how the results are. I recently conducted a svey to find out whether students like Jian's English speech con and how the results are. Most students are willing to take the exam that they think will be ful to them, impve their oral skills and become confident.

In addition, they can learn fm others. Howr, the students won't win the competition. Some of them don't have the coage to speak in public.

Others are afraid that they will fail. They have to spend a lot of time practicing becse I want to participate in the competition. I can make some new fends and Charlie is in the same time.




Gup travel has been arranged separately recently. We have discussed that the mode of travel here is a possible version of the result of some students' choosing gup travel. Recently, we have discussed that the mode of travel here is the result of some students' choosing to travel with the of to guides.

They will not get lost and do not need to find a hotel by themselves. In addition, they can make fends and each other ding the tp. Howr, other students prefer to travel alone becse they are free to arrange their time and choose to visit their favote attractions.

Besides, it's an opportunity for them to learn to take care of themselves. For me, I want to travel alone. I want to spend enough time going to places I like so that I can enjoy my vacation better.





Hobby gup, hobby gup, hobby gup, comr gup, photography gup, calligraphy gup, dance gup, join, member, start, interesting, knowledge, there are many in o school, such as I am a member, I join, not only becse of my interest, but I also hope that I have decided to have many hobby gups in o school. Last year, I was a member of the science gup, and the teacher asked me to plant some Flowers, look at them, and then I should wte a report about them. Ding that time, I was very excited about these flowers.

I n forgot the time when I became and interested in science, so I hope to become a scientist when I gw up. There are many hobby gups in o school. I am a member of the photography gup.

Last summer vacation, we often went to the mountains or lakes to take good photos. We went to the Great Wall, and we took many betiful pictes there Have a good time. I hope I can go to Mount Emei next time.



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