关于环境保护的英语作文_environmental protection 2篇

发布时间:2022-07-02 13:46:52 阅读:144 点赞:0

关于”环境保护“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:envinmental ptection。以下是关于环境保护专升英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:envinmental ptection

With the dlopment of industry and agculte, envinmental pblems nd the world are becoming and seous. Cars make huge noise and toxic gases. Trees on the mountains are cut down, and waste water is constantly discharged into vers.

Moreover, no matter where we go today, we can find that the garbage is not handled carefully. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing, and the large-scale damage to the envinment has been given to people We must face the reality, take action to solve o envinmental pblems, stctly contl industal pollution thugh new laws, and educate the public on the harm of pollution. We hope that all these meases will be effective and bng the envinment back to health.




As human beings, we all live under the same cloud and walk on the same earth. There is only one earth. If one person takes too much, there is nothing to take.

If ryone takes too much, then all of us will have nothing to take, becse the shadow of a leafless tree fills my wall at night. My heart feels black and cold, but nothing can make it warm and bght. The only tree within five miles will be cut down by others It's too late.

Before God gives us a betiful world to live and live in, no one cares about shang. There's nothing we can ask all of us to take care of it. Don't say how much you love it, but do something about it.

I know what I'm talking about Love still hasn't happened, I hope it won't happen. Anyway, if ryone is careless and selfish, if ryone only cares about their own business, but not the other one, if ryone thinks that there are a lot of things that can be taken away, and we don't think about o offspng, we all hope that the birds will sing ry morning, the fish can swim in the sea, and the branches can To dance in the wind, we don't end up saying that if ryone gives a little love, we will live together in a warm and betiful envinment. Remember to build houses fm bcks and a betiful envinment where we need each of us.



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