
发布时间:2024-01-02 12:33:25 阅读:18 点赞:0

关于”手机好处“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Mobile benefits。以下是关于手机好处xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Mobile benefits

With the dlopment of science and technolo, and new pducts appear in human life. Mobile phone is a good example. Mobile phone has been widely used in people's daily life.

In my opinion, mobile phone does bng a lot of benefits to human beings. First of all, mobile phone is very convenient. People can contact anyone in any place.

If this person has a mobile phone, then It means that people have to wte letters on paper, and then wait for a long time for the letter to reach its destination, but now people can wte messages on their mobile phones and send it to the people they want in a second or just a moment. Second, when people are in danger, they can use their mobile phones to call the police or ask their fends nearby for When people are wored about another person, they can call him to make se whether he is. Anyway, the mobile phone contains a lot of interesting entertainment.

It can bng a lot of happiness to human beings and make their life colorful. In short, mobile phone is a pduct of high technolo, which has bught a lot of benefits to human beings.




Mobile phone is very necessary and important in modern society, becse it bngs a lot of convenience to o life, but also pvides us with a new way to contact the world. First of all, mobile phones close the relationship beeen people, becse people can use mobile phones to contact at any time. For those people who are far away, mobile phones are undouedly the best tool for them to maintain and strenen the relationship.

Second, mobile phones make o work or study efficient. People can use mobile phones to search data for students, traner files, etc., and they can take no books with them at any time Reading books with mobile phones rywhere, mobile phones make o life wonderful, becse it adds and functions, such as watching movies, listening to music, wting blogs and so on. With the of mobile phones, we can use mobile phones to understand what is happening all over the world, and we can n get the la news.

In a word, mobile phones pvide great convenience for o life and make me O lives are exciting, it easier for us to connect with the world.




Mobile phone has many advantages. First of all, it is much convenient than ordinary telephone. If you are sick or see an accident, you can call anywhere and you need an ambulance.

Mobile phones can save yo life. Sending short messages is much cheaper than phone calls. But just as important, nowadays, mobile phones have and functions, you can take pictes, you can use it to listen to music.

In short, it is a useful tool, which makes o world much aller than r before and shortens the distance beeen people.




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