
发布时间:2023-03-01 12:10:52 阅读:70 点赞:0

关于”幸福观“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Concept of happiness。以下是关于幸福观xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Concept of happiness

If you look at the men and women nd you who you can call happy, you will find that they all have something in common. The most important of these things is an activity, which can gradually build up what you like to see. Women who have an instinctive please for their children can get this satiaction fm cultivating family artists, wters and men Foot science gets happiness in this way, if they think their work is good, but there are many humble forms of the same happiness.

Many people who work in cities devote their weekends to voluntary and unpaid work in their gardens. When spng comes, they realize all the happiness of creating bety. In my opinion, people take happiness too seously 。 Some people think that without life theory or religious belief, people will not be happy.

Maybe people who are unhappy with bad theoes may need better theoes to them recover, just as you need toni when you are sick, but when things are normal, a man is healthy and not tonic, happy but not theoretical. Simple things are really important. If a man likes his wife and children, succeeds in his work, and finds happiness in the alternation of day and night and spng and tumn, then no matter what his philosophy is, if on the other hand, he finds that his wife is determined, his children are noisy, and the office becomes a nightmare if he longs for night ding the day Late at night, sighing at dawn, what he needs is not a new philosophy, but a new way of life - a different diet, exercise, or not a man is an animal.

His happiness depends on his physiological functions than on his humble conclusion. But I can't make myself beli in unhappy businesen, I beli, thugh ry one of them Walk six miles a day to increase their happiness, not thugh any conceivable philosophical shift.





Many people think that money is the most important thing in life. In today's ch society, it is impossible to live without money. People can buy bigger houses, betiful clothes, expensive food, luxy cars and travel nd the world.

Money bngs a better life and enses people's basic needs. Money is also a symbol of wealth and social status. If a person makes countless money, he is a succesul man For some young girls, money is the only cteon for enteng a man.

If a man has a new apartment and a new car, he will be the most popular thing. In the eyes of girls, they marry for money, not for love, just like an old Chinese saying: money can make the devil move the mill. ng money has become a major goal.

In the eyes of some people, they look at money It's important than anything. Different people have different views on money. Some people do rything they can to make money, such as stealing, gambling and cheating.

They beli that money can bng them rything. But I don't think money can make people really happy or bng rything to people. People can't buy health with money.

Stn jobs, founder of apple, died of cancer. He was 100 million A millie, but he can't use money to fight for a longer life and money can't buy the time that has already slipped away. Money is also a tool for us to exchange mateal, but not all things.

We should have a correct attitude towards money. We should make money and spend it in an honest way. Maybe only in this way can money make us happy.




Happiness means different things to different people. For example, some students think that if they have a lot of money or a lot of pperty, they will be very happy. They beli that if they have money, they can do whatr they want.

Some students think they should be healthy and enjoy whatr they like. Many students hope to get a lot of wealth fm their parents They don't have to work hard, they can have rything I don't agree with. We can't buy many important things with money, such as health, happiness and knowledge.

I attach importance to knowledge, which makes me happy, bee I can do many things for human beings. With knowledge, although different people attach different importance to happiness, my happiness wealth lies in my study.



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