
发布时间:2024-01-26 19:00:26 阅读:30 点赞:0

关于”沟通故事“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Communication story。以下是关于沟通故事xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Communication story

In the dim light, we can see a patient wggling on a clean bed. He s and grabs the left side of his stomach. "It hts.

It hts." his family hears him moaning and mumbles, but they can't say what he's talking about. The patient felt that he was out of bed. Although he looked like he was walking, he was flying nd in the air.

He did not know what lifted him up, but he walked higher and higher. Soon he came to a dark palace. The palace guards looked like demons when they saw the patient appaching.

They rushed up and dve him into the palace. The patient realized that he was in another cot, where he saw a very powerful man weang a cwn. He was awe insping.

The patient seemed to be afraid of him. He did not know why beside the solemn man was a judge with a cwn. His voice lled down the hillside like tder.

"You know yo life is over, aren't you? You know yo grandfather Die of the same spleen disease, don't you know? The patient was too afraid to answer "Meng Zhaoxiang". Heang his name, the patient be to say, "yo grandfather killed many animals when he was alive, and put his own destiny on his head. You have done some good deeds.

We beli you can learn. In order to reform yo life, we are willing to give you a chance." we will give you a few years to see how you abide by me We pmise to kill anything that you can't be killed, and let life be free, just like we let you free today. "Tell ryone you see here today, they may know the cost of mder, and they can make a change in this way.

You can balance some of yo past misdeeds, you know? Meng can only nod numbly. He seemed to enter a cloud, and gradually found himself lying in bed with his family. There was no pain in his spleen.

His family was spsed to see him get out of bed and go straight to the statue of Buddha, where he vowed nr to kill again. He kept his pmise. He wte down his expeence and pnted a pamphlet to show ryone that his life was not over.

When he died in his later years, he had become a famous official.







Swan cw and a cw see a swan, they want to get the same betiful feather for themselves. If the swan is washed white in the swimming water, the cw leaves the nearby altar, where he starts his life. He lives in the lake and pond, but he often cleans his feathers, but he can't change the color of the feather.

Becse of the lack of food, he can't change the color of the feather The change of habit can't change nate.




A country maid was walking with a can of milk on her head. At this time, she fell into a kind of meditation: the money I paid for selling the milk could increase my egg stock to 300. In this way, the things that might go bad or damaged by pests could pduce at least 250 chickens, which were suitable to be transported to the at a time when poultry were expensive, so that the new year would come I will have enough money to buy a new be.

Let me think about it. Green is the best color for my skin color. In this dress, I will go to the , where all the young people will win over me, but noe will refuse ry one of them.

With this thought, she tns nd contemptuously, and she can't but think of the thought that flashed in her mind when the milk can fell, and her imaginary happiness disappeared in an instant.



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