
发布时间:2023-06-18 03:01:23 阅读:202 点赞:0

关于”做作业听音乐“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Do yo homework and listen to music。以下是关于做作业听音乐小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Do yo homework and listen to music

I think English is very good fm pmary school. We all know that when children are very young, they can absorb new things quickly. Of cose, they learn English very quickly.

For example, I have a fend. She studied in Ameca when she was very young. Now she's listening and speaking very well.

Second, it is better to learn English abad than in China, becse we can learn in an English speaking envinment, so that o English can be very good..






Can we do homework while listening to music? In reality, we can often see some students listening to music while studying. Recently, some useful expressions have been discussed in o class: for / in favor of / against something "beli / think", "argue", becse "hold a" preference "point of view, becse the answer: first of all," second, apart fm that, on the other hand, my view is just the opposite. Sample music is very important to ryone, but it is especially popular among students Students like to listen to music when they are studying.

O class recently discussed a pblem: ① there are different opinions, some people agree that listening to music can be ② "in addition, music can ③", but some people hold the opposite view, their reasons are: first, ④, second, ⑤ "as far as I am concerned, ⑥ becse (7).


我们可以一边听音乐一边做家庭作业吗在现实中,我们经常可以看到一些学生在学习时候听音乐。最近,我们班上讨论了一些有用表达方式:赞成/赞同某事物/反对某事物“相信/思考”,“争辩”,因为“持有“偏好”观点,因为答案:首先“第二,除此之外,另一方面,我观点恰恰相反,样音乐对每个人都很重要,但它在学生中特别受欢迎,一些学生在学习时候喜欢听音乐,我们班最近讨论了一个问题:①意见不一,有些人赞成,他们认为听音乐可以②“另外,音乐有帮助③”,但是也有人持相反观点,他们理由是:第一,④,第二,⑤ “就我而言,⑥因为⑦。


We know that music can make us relax, and pop music can make us feel comfortable. Some people like to listen to music while doing homework. In my opinion, listening to music while doing homework will first interfere with o homework.

When we do homework, we focus on thinking, and then it will interfere with o attention. Listening to concerts while doing homework will reduce o workload Memory, the examination om is very quiet, there is no music for you to listen to, when doing homework, listening to music is harmful.



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