
发布时间:2023-04-19 14:18:54 阅读:271 点赞:0

关于”难忘一刻“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:An unforgettable moment。以下是关于难忘一刻初中英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:An unforgettable moment

As a new infantry lieutenant, I was eager to set an example for my platoon to clean my own m fles as we dloped weapons. One soldier complained about the unusual dent shape of M's bolt and bore, which made it difficult to clean mm. "Lieutenant, they need to do something to clean this," soldier "yes," one Sergeant sheked, "really," I said in spse, not knowing why we didn't order this tool.

"Yes, sir," replied the sergeant, "it's called a soldier":.





As a student, I have nothing to talk about, but here I would like to share my expeence in prepang for the high school entrance examination. In the first three years of junior high school, we were very happy and free, but we often heard that after the final examination in June, the results would be very bad, and all the things were on o faces: changes in teachers, and difficult texts, terble presse, and of cose, yo position on the list of postgraduate examinations, which have become the most important things in o life, but I have to say, In junior high school, my attitude towards life has nr been changed, and I have nr expeenced a change in my life To a certain extent, teachers and clasates, I like this kind of life, becse it tght me a lot of things that I had nr learned before, and the teacher also gave me a lot of . I still can't forget my history.

My teacher talked with me until the afternoon of Apl, for my application, my head teacher also encoaged me, my Chinese teacher also encoaged me, my teachers all worked very hard, always iong Forget about their sleep and diet, n if some of them are often ill and nr leave us.




(an unforgettable thing) in the past 15 years, I will nr forget that Spng Festival is o traditional festival. Dung the Spng Festival, people usually visit relatives and fends when I am old. My family goes to my grandparents' house by bus and says "Happy New Year" to them.

On the bus, I took a good seat on the bus, and a lady held one The baby was sitting in the car, there was no seat at that time, but she had to take care of her baby carefully. She had to stand by and try to get her to sit down, but I was afraid to hear other people say, "that girl wants to be praised." I looked aund, most of them were looking out of the window, some were sleeping, and a little boy behind me stood up to make om for the woman, and she lghed He said, "thank you very much." then I told my cousin about it. He said, "the child is the father of a man." I was very frustrated.

Why can't I do the same thing like a little boy? I learned that we should try o best to those who need . If ryone contbutes to ing others, the world will become betiful.



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