
发布时间:2024-01-08 09:55:12 阅读:25 点赞:0



The vers near o city have been seously polluted recently. The clear water has disappeared. There used to be a lot of fish swimming freely in the ver.

Now many factoes in the city dump garbage into the ver. Day after day, the once betiful ver has become a elly and dirty garbage can.




In my memory, although my hometown is a all village, it was very betiful when I was young. I like to catch fish in the ver, becse I miss my hometown very much, so I can see the fish. Last week, I went back to my hometown and found that the place in my memory is not what it looks like.

The trees are not so many, the ads are getting bigger and the vers are less I see some dead fish in the ver. The water is dirty and the ver is polluted too much. I can't beli that the betiful hometown has been destyed by pollution.

This is an ambitious result of people. They psue pfits at the cost of polluting the envinment. I hope people can pay attention to ptecting the envinment, and they are also saving themselves.




A cars play an important le in modern society, but they are also responsible for the air pollution in big cities. Wte an article about cars and air pollution b yo article must be wtten neatly on the answer sheet C yo article should include the following: seous pblems of air pollution csed by tomobiles yo suggestions on how to deal with the pblems of cars and air pollution. Too many cars have csed many seous pblems in o world.

Besides traffic jams, accidents and rapid fuel consumption, cars have always been the main cse of air pollution in big cities. They are discharging into the atmosphere A lot of exhst gas is very harmful. It can cse disease or n death last winter.

Automobile exhst has formed a thick fog over Beijing, the sky cloudy for sral weeks and deteorating people's health. One possible solution is to desi and dlop clean cars and clean fuels at Tsinghua University, which in Beijing is powered by electcity. Some school buses start to use natal gas, and the carbon dioxide emission of natal gas is not as good as that of gasoline, but it may take decades for new clean cars to completely replace traditional cars.

Another solution is to dlop a modern public transportation to restct the use of pvate cars. If the pce of gasoline keeps sing, and the bus is efficient and convenient enough, most people will not dve pvate cars The total number of cars in cities will be greatly reduced. The elimination of air pollution requires the joint efforts of the government.

Only by relying on science and technolo can this pblem be solved.


A汽车在现代社会中扮演着重要角,但它们也对大城市空气污染负责写一篇关于汽车和空气污染文章 B你文章必须整齐地写在答题纸上 C你文章应该包括以下几点: 汽车造成空气污染严重问题 你关于如何处理汽车和空气污染问题建议汽车太多在我们世界上造成了许多严重问题除了交通堵塞、事故和快速燃料消耗之外,汽车一直是大城市空气污染主要原因,他们正在向大气中排放大量废气这些气体是非常有害,在去年冬天会导致疾病甚至亡,汽车尾气在北京上空形成浓雾,使天空几周阴沉,并恶化人们健康。一个可能解决办法是在清华大学设计和清洁汽车和清洁燃料,北京校车是用电驱动。有些校车开始使用天然气,天然气二氧化碳排放量不如汽油,但新型清洁汽车可能需要几xx年才能完全取代传统汽车;另一个解决办法是发展现代公共交通,限制私家车使用如果汽油价格不断上涨,公车又足够高效和方便,大多数人都不会开私家车,大城市汽车总数总体上将大大减少,消除空气污染需要共同努力,只有依科学技术,这个问题才能得到解决。

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