
发布时间:2023-05-20 07:11:10 阅读:71 点赞:0



Almost ryone knows that water covers three quarters of the earth's sface, but most of it is in the ocean, too salty to dnk, and some of it is fzen and unusable. In fact, less than one percent of animals and plants are left for human use. In the history of , people have been trying to build their homes near the water soce.

Now there is less and less fresh water. Howr, due to the increasing population in the world, the demand for fresh water is also increasing. Some industes also use large amounts of fresh water to pduce goods such as steel, oil, paper and rubber.

Scientists estimate that if they are ght, we must find new ways to save or pduce it. Some countes are already solving this pblem, and they are already shang their information with other countes. They are trying to prnt their vers fm being polluted, deep wells are being dug, and rainwater is being collected in one or another way they want to be pvided in giant artificial lakes There is enough water to meet the needs of the people.





This afternoon was really bad. As soon as I got home, my parents asked me where I had gone. I told them that today's students would go home to play.

They didn't beli me to sit down and talk to me. If I didn't want to sit down, I would sit down. They earnestly advised me: "the world is not good now.

You don't have to act. You must go to that school, unlike there are many bad things in the school Student, what are you going to go? I don't know what's going on. "I'll argue," no matter what happens, I won't blame you.

"Howr, parents don't give up:" but we're yo parents, and we won't lie to you. "I really can't wait to hear it, and then I stood up and looked at it:" you've finished, Mei Wan, I love school. You say that as long as I get into the top three, I'll do it After heang the opinion, I got into the top three.

Why do you object to it? Do you think I should be respected? "Dad did not go on, shouting:" you gw up, have yo own ideas, but you want to think about us, "how much do I order you to pay?" said to beat my hand, I did not get out of the way, but fell on yo palm, waiting for me to be beaten, I yelled: "yo dghter herself "If you don't keep yo word, you're not a qualified father." angry father: "how dishonest I am, you can do it at home." my mother finally convinced dad to come into the om with me and told me, "Hello, dad is, OK, we don't need to say it, but if you want to think about it today, you can tell yo dad that's ght." then mom left, and I knew she was in bed The tears were taken away by me again and again, and I had a tumbling heart. Today, I remembered carefully and understood the concern and thoughts of my parents. But it was too late to suddenly regret.

The father was so angry, otherwise he would not be so loud. Anyway, I made a decision according to my parents' wishes. Although I have agreed, Ning Lu Xinyu's school, but they hey, I really want to go to my parents who don't know how to say it, and explain it to Ning Lu Xin Yu.




All of us want to be healthy. First of all, we should have enough sleep. We can go to bed early and get up early and stay up late.

Second, we must have the ght food. We should eat fruits and vegetables and less meat. We should dnk water.

We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should exercise . If we are not comfortable, we should wash o hands before meals I brush my teeth ice a day.

I'm a student in Huaxing middle school. Do you know about plastic bags? You often use plastic bags. I don't like them.

I think they use precious oil that is wasted, their pduction, and they can't decompose plastic bags in a short time. It will make o world worse. I agree with this rule that people can't buy free plastic bags in stores and supers.

It encoages people to use their cloth bags and baskets, which is good for o envinment, so I hope I can All the students in o class stop using plastic bags and use o own cloth bags. I hope we can take good care of o envinment and make o world and betiful.



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