
发布时间:2023-01-19 07:21:01 阅读:104 点赞:0

关于”上册期中“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Intem of Volume I。以下是关于上册期中初二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intem of Volume I

I am very healthy. I do an ho's homework ry day. I watch half an ho's TV ry day.

My study habit is very good. I read English ry day. It makes me get good grades.

I sf the Internet ice a week. Sometimes I listen to music on weekends. I exercise three or fo times a week.

I don't like watching movies. So I hardly go to the movies. I think I have a healthy lifestyle.

I plan to go to Beijing for my vacation If I want to stay there for o days, I plan to go to the Great Wall in the morning on Satday. I also hope I can make some good fends with them. Beijing is a very betiful place.

The weather there is very good. I want to take my camera so that I can take a lot of pictes there. I beli I will have a relaxed and happy holiday there.

This is my three meals a day. I often eat a bowl of noodles, o eggs, a bottle of milk or a bowl of dumplings. Chinese people seldom eat bread.

I often eat a bowl of ce and some beef, fish and some vegetables for lunch. I usually have a little food for o health. 7.

The first time I cooked was in Grade 5, becse my parents didn't have time to be at home, I used my shovel I made fed ce, started to iite, put oil, and then put it directly on the next meal. As a result, it bned. But after eating, I felt very good, becse it was a great sense of achiment.

I hope that I can cook by myself in the fute. I have seen the change of myself in Beijing in the past and now. Now we can only go to Beijing by tcycle or bicycle becse of the new Train station.

We can come here by train. The dlopment of my hometown has bught us a modern life. The air is no longer as fresh as before.

We don't have many trees. In some ways, we can't see the betiful scenery any . I think life is better now than before.

I'm lucky to see my favote . My favote is called "fly to sleep". It's an educational .

It can impve my English and other knowledge. At the same time, we need to answer questions to pass a ll. I think if you play it, When you reach a higher ll, you'll be very happy.

If you've finished all the s, you can have souvenirs. Any store has a tothis disc for sale. You can buy it yoself.





Miss Rabbit: I can cook. I can set the table. I can wash the dishes.

I can sweep the floor and wash the clothes. Monkey: I can make the bed. I can water the flowers.

I can clean the bedom. I can take out the garbage. Yes, he can be, he can't, he can't be, he can be in fnt, fish, house, there's a football on the floor, there's shoes on the floor, there's a pencil box on the bed, there's a lot of pens on the bed behind the bed, on Fday, clean the bedom, empty the garbage, empty the flowers, put the ce on the table, cook the ce, make the dishes, wash the ce, do the clothes Dishes washing dishes water flowers cleaning bedoms they like vers, trees, flowers and plants we can plant trees and flowers I can cook you can make a bed there are o bedoms, a living om and a bathom in the mountains there are no high-se buildings vers cars and buses forest.



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