
发布时间:2023-06-22 12:33:29 阅读:65 点赞:0

关于”七夕来历“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Ogin of Tanabata。以下是关于七夕来历考研英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ogin of Tanabata

The cowherd went to the stream and watched the sn betiful dghters of the emper come down fm the sky to take a bath. He was fascinated by the youngest and the most betiful. When the other six faies had washed and left, the cowherd hid her fairy clothes.

The little girl could not fly back to heaven without Fairy clothes. The cowherd appeared and told the weaver that he would keep her clothes until she agreed to be his wife. After a little hesitation, mixed with shyness and eagerness, the maid accepted the handsome man's pposal.

They mared and had o years of children. Later, in the sky, the emper missed the betiful sky woven by his snth dghter. He ordered his dghter's grandmother to find her and bng her back to him, becse the snth pncess was flying to heaven with her grandmother, and the cowherd put on the cow's PI, who kept the cowhide of a long time ago, put their children in o bamboo baskets with his wife's magic fairy clothes to chase his love.

But Grandma d the Milky way in the sky with her hairpin. The snth Pncess moved to Vega, the flying eagle in Lyra, the Cowherd and their o children lived on Altair in the constellation Aquila and flew on the Altair in the constellation Aquila Xiang. This is one of the most famous poems about legend.

It is wtten by Qin Guan, the fairy of Song Dynasty. The maie bdge meets in the betiful clouds, acss the Tianhe River, acss the weaving girl's one night meeting, acss the sky in tumn, spassing the tender feelings and dreams of happy moments in the world. So sad to leave the maie bdge, the eternal love beeen us will stand the passage of time and be overtned by Xu Kaili Translation.




Chinese Valentine's Day is the snth day of the snth lunar month, which is also known as "begging day". The emper's snth dghter, Zhinu and an orphan cowherd were separated by the emper. The girl was forced to move to Vega and Niulang.

When they arved at the star Altai, they were only allowed to meet on the maie bdge of the Milky way once a year When Vega is high in the sky, unmared girls pray to Vega for a special gift. The girls put a needle on the water to do a little : if the needle does not sink, the girl is thought to be looking for her huand once a year. On this day, girls can pray for their hearts as they like Everything you want in.

Pray for perfect sewing skills. Defend yo case. Not willing to defend their cmes.

Do you plead guilty or not. Do needlework. I like css stitch.

It's meant to be together. Everything's going to be okay. Jack's going to have Jill.






Once upon a time, there was an honest and kind-hearted man named Niulang Niushou. His parents died when he was a child. Later, his sister-in-law dve him out of the house.

One day, he was herding cattle by himself. A fairy Weaver fm heaven fell in love with him. She secretly came to the world, mared the Cowherd and Weaver who worked in the field.

They lived a happy life and unfortunately gave birth to one A man and a woman, the God soon discovered this fact, ordered the Empress Dowager to bng Zhinu back. With the of longicorn, the cowherd flew to heaven with his son and dghter. At that time, he was prepang to catch up with his wife.

The Empress Dowager took off a golden hairpin and drew a stke. A tbulent ver appeared in fnt of the cowherd. The Cowherd and Zhinu were separated forr on both sides of the ver, and they could only be felt The loyalty to love moved the maie, so thousands of maies came to meet the Cowherd and weaver girl.

The Empress Dowager was finally moved and allowed to meet on July 7 of the lunar calendar ry year. Therefore, their date of meeting was called "Qixi". Scholars have shown that the Qixi Festival oginated in the histocal documents of the Han Dynasty , which was mentioned fm the Eastern Jin Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty The book records the feast of Emper Taizong and his concubines in the song and Yuan Dynasties.

The "Qixi" specialty is sold well in the capital , and the lively shows the siificance of the festival. Today, some traditional customs still remain in ral China, but they have been weakened or diluted in the city. In recent years, the legend of Cowherd and weaver girl has been deeply oted in the hearts of the people, especially the ban youth who celebrate it as Valentine's day I wish shops, shops, and happy.



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