
发布时间:2023-12-13 07:40:32 阅读:105 点赞:0

关于”四大发明“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:the fo great inventions of ancient China。以下是关于四大发明雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:the fo great inventions of ancient China

China is the first nation to invent paper. The earliest paper appeared in the Western Han Dynasty . Howr, paper is usually very thick, ugh and unn in texte.

It is made of mashed hemp fiber. The paper unearthed fm Han To in Gansu Pvince is the earliest extant ancient paper. Dating back to the early Western Han Dynasty, a cot official named Cai Lun in the Eastern Han Dynasty made a new type of paper fm bark, linen, rags, fishing nets, wheat straw and other mateals.

It was relatively cheap, light and thin. Paper spread easard to Korea and Japan in the early snth centy, the end of Sui Dynasty and the beginning of Tang Dynasty Boloa be to learn how to make paper. It took about a few years for paper to travel thugh the Arab world to Eope in the 20th centy.

Many paper mills were established in Italy. Fm there, paper technolo spread to Germany and other Eopean countes. Italians vigously pduced this mateal and exported it in large quantities.

For many years, it has dominated the Eopean . Paper appeared in Russia and Holland, and spread to England in the centy. Before the invention of paper, Qin Shihuang, the first emper in Chinese history, invented paper.

He had to wte thousands of official documents with bamboo or wooden sticks. The populazation of knowledge has become a reality. The invention of paper is an epoch- nt in human history.





The fo great inventions of ancient China are: according to Chinese tradition and Btish scholar and biochemist Joseph Needham: compass, pnting paper invention and creation are famous in Chinese culte for their histocal siificance. As the symbol of ancient Chinese advanced science and technolo, these fo discovees have a great impact on the dlopment of China, civilization and extensive global influence, although he may not know it The ogins of some inventions, but in the English philosopher Francis Bacon Bacon) pointed out the importance of these inventions: pnting, gunpowder and Compass: these three changed the face and state of the whole world, which was the first in the history of literate, the second was war, the third was navigation, and then there were countless changes, so that no Empire, no sect, no star was powerful in human affairs The power and influence of.


古代四大发明是:,根据传统和英国学者、生物化学家约瑟夫李约瑟:指南针,印刷纸发明创造在文化中因其历史意义而闻名,作为古代先进科学技术标志,这四项发现对发展产生了巨大影响文明和广泛全球影响尽管他可能不知道这些发明起源,但在英国哲学家弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)中指出了这些发明重要书写:打印,火药和指南针:这三个改变了整个世界面貌和状态,这是文学史上第一个,第二次是战争,第三次是航海,后来发生了无数次变化,以至于没有哪个帝国、任何、任何一颗星星在人类事务中都没有比这更强大力量和影响力。

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